The Three Realms of Super Students

Chapter 5725: Infatuated Second Brother

Who knows, before Zhang Xiaofan said the words in his heart, he was interrupted directly by the second brother, and he sighed long.

Marshal Canopy: "Oh ..."

"Since ancient times, we have a passion for hate, and this hate has no end."

I'm Mengxin {Zhang Xiaofan}: "Tengpeng, you can think of it very well."

After hearing what Brother 2 said, Zhang Xiaofan's original high heart was finally put down again.

It seems that the two older brothers will not find other excuses to make a guest appearance on "Moon Old" in the future.

"Brother, do you know, this Chang'e Fairy, why is he so ruthless toward the old pig?"

However, just at Zhang Xiaofan's side, he just felt relieved. On the other end of the cell phone, Marshal Tengpeng suddenly turned around and asked.

"Why ?!"

In this regard, Zhang Xiaofan was also a little hesitant, but then there was a raging fire of hexagrams in his heart.

To be honest, Zhang Xiaofan was also very curious. What kind of unspeakable old past is between these two brothers and the Chang'e fairy?

Marshal Tianpeng, what happened in the bullfighting palace before being demoted by the emperor jade emperor?

Could it be that the anger of the rushing crown is not enough? !!

However, just when Zhang Xiaofan was secretly speculating, he just listened.

"It's all because of ..."

At this time, Marshal Tengpeng was also very excited in his tone of speech, said.

"All of this is because the old pig is not good enough."

"It is precisely because the old Lao pig is not good enough, the Chang'e fairy does not understand her sincere heart to her."

"In short, from now on, the old pig must be brave and brave, angry and strong, and work hard!"

"Emmmmm .... inappropriate, extremely improper ...."

After hearing Brother Er's words, Zhang Xiaofan was so excited that he sat up straight from the sofa, his face was white, and he almost didn't spit out old blood directly, okay? !!

"Brother, I understand what you just said."

After waiting for Zhang Xiaofan to speak, Marshal Tianpeng at the other end of the phone talked to himself, impassioned, full of energy, and said.

"In short, big brother, you can rest assured that the old pig will not be arrogant because of this little thing."

"In this life, the old pig is living for the Chang'e fairy, and my life belongs to the Chang'e fairy!"

"If you can't capture the heart of the Chang'e Fairy, what does it mean for the old pig to live for thousands of years!"

"Ahem ..."

"Well, canopy, that's what I said just now."

Zhang Xiaofan was thundered by Marshal Tianpeng's words to the outside, but was tender and interrupted.

"So, what do you mean by that, brother?"

Marshal Tengpeng is also a few uncle monks puzzled, said.

"This one...."

After considering it in his heart, Zhang Xiaofan still felt that he had to open the skylight to speak brightly, and made all of this clear.

Just right, so that I can get out of this right and wrong at an early date.

After all, the second elder brother pursues the Chang'e fairy, this is his own freedom of love, and how he loves himself is fine .....

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