The Three Realms of Super Students

Chapter 6595: See who dares

"Hey ....."

Suddenly, the speed of this group of red lava was extremely fast. The seven major protection methods only felt the red light in front of their eyes. It was just a half step forward and the protection method made a terrible sound of heartbreaking.

Immediately after the red lava came into contact with his body, it began to burn along his body. In a moment, the lava turned into magma, which enveloped him all. Turn into a fire man!

In this way, even the short time of 10 seconds was not used.

I can see that a saint who has a full inner border. The great consummation has turned into a ray of fly ash and disappeared into the field of vision of everyone. Only the scarlet magma on the ground is still moving. .

One pair after another was full of horror, and the fearful eyes were frozen for a moment, and everyone only felt the rush of cold air on the soles of their feet, letting them tremble involuntarily.

A magnificent sacred realm. His Holiness, in the end he died so unclear, that red magma was like the magma from Jiuyou Hell. In a moment, he could give the life of a His Holiness. Reap everything!

"When I started with these five old guys, whoever dared to act arrogantly, I promise that one of you died is worse than the other, and that guy is just a lesson learned!"

Zhang Xiaofan raised his finger to the location under the red-red magma, which was directly burned to become a nirvana to protect the holy fist door. His voice was indifferent.

Each of the holy fist disciples present was more than a few steps back from the subconsciously deterred, and the fear and fear in their hearts completely swept their limbs and bones like tide.

As for the previous one, they also wanted to play ‘Hang Tianzi to make the world’, and wanted to control Wang Yuanping, Sun Lingfeng and the other four people, and the idea of ​​taking Zhang Xiaofan as a hostage was completely shattered.

The defenders of these holy fist gates trembled one by one, and they never dared to move half a minute.

After all, Zhang Xiaofan has only shot twice since the beginning of the holy fist.

However, it was Zhang Xiaofan's two successive shots that directly killed the two insiders who had their status and strength between them.

This also makes the remaining six holy fist gate protectors one by one not want to be the body of the capsized ship in the next gutter.

"Zhang Wutian, you bullied me too much !!!!!!"

Seeing this behind the scenes, this also made the five elders of the holy fist gate even more furious!

The five of them fluttered in shape, one after another in the afterglow of black shadows. They could only rely on the power of the flesh to show the super high speed that is no less than the Formula 1 car.

The five elders of the holy fist gate stand directly to each other in the east, south, west, north, and middle positions, and siege Zhang Xiaofan firmly in the center of the array of eyes with the tendency of horns!

Five fierce, fierce breaths firmly locked Zhang Xiaofan, spreading wildly.

"Booming ..."

The five elders of the holy fist gate, the left and right fists are slightly erected, blocking their chest positions, and the right leg is slightly raised. It is the most standard gesture of ancient Thai boxing .....

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