The Three Realms of Super Students

Chapter 6596: Five Boxers of Holy Fist

I saw that the five elders of the holy fist gate all stood on their right legs in another independent way of golden roosters, but they gave a feeling of solidity!

The five elders are different from each other, but they are closely connected in a very mysterious way in the Ming and Ming Dynasty, forming a standard small five-pointed star array.

"Holy Fist Five Gates!"

I saw that these five words were born from the mouths of the five elders of the holy fist gate, and the fierce color of the old eyes was rising quickly at the speed visible to the naked eye.

The five of them knew clearly that the young man Lang and Zhang Xiaofan, who had just reached the age of a weak crown, were among the most difficult enemies they encountered in their lives, none of them.

Therefore, in the face of such a strong enemy, the five elders of the holy fist door naturally did not have the desire to keep their hands, but when they came up, they showed their strongest means of pressing the bottom of the box to them without any reservation. .

The holy fist five-door array, this array is a set of martial arts methods specially written by the holy fist gate masters based on their fighting styles and fighting characteristics among their five elders.

The five elders of the holy fist gate are arrayed in front of each other in the east, south, west, north, and middle directions, and use their respective advantages among the five to further make up for each other's shortcomings.

Therefore, the five elders of the holy fist gate can be divided and united, and the true energy will continue like the vast Yangtze River.

In addition, it is worth mentioning that the five elders of this holy fist gate, when they were young, were in the Five Qi Dynasty. When the consummate cultivation of Ning Shen Jing had completed, they had already battled against a foreign kingdom. His Holiness.

The final result of the battle was shocking. The five holy fist boxers concentrating on the divine realm could actually fight this terrible situation between the two.

Wuqi Chaoyuan. Ningshen Realm and Wai Danjing. His Holiness, the gap between the two is like an insurmountable gap, a foreign Danjing. His Holiness wants to kill dozens of Wuqi Chaoyuan. Ning Shenjing That ’s just a trivial thing that you can do with your hands.

After all, in the realm of His Holiness, the gap between the two is not simply made up by quantity. This is already an absolute gap of ‘quality’!

However, the five elders of the holy fist gate were able to rely on the five qi Chaoyuan. Zhenyuan Xiu, who had a great condensed state, completed a leapfrog battle with a foreign kingdom. His Holiness Wu Kai, the end of both defeats.

It is undeniable that this is also a very fruitful result for the holy fist gate. From this, you can see the leopard in the tube. This five-fist gate of the holy fist is really extraordinary!

The holy fist five gates, because of their own powerful magical realm, the combat power that this array of law can burst out of is definitely not the original Wuqi Chaoyuan. Ning Shen realm can be compared with it.

At the beginning, with this array of formations, the five elders of the holy fist gate were able to meet Yingwai Danjing. His Holiness stunned each other's wrists.

What's more, now they are all real Yuan Xiuwei who is a master of supernatural powers. The five of them join forces and use the power of formation to make the power unpredictable ....

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