The Three Realms of Super Students

Chapter 6642: You still want to run away

Moreover, was his body cut into pieces by an invisible knife? !!

This series of things happened in front of everyone today, so that all people related to the holy fist door deeply felt that their own outlook on life, world outlook and values ​​began to collapse and disintegrate at this moment ... .

"call out--!!!"

Without any hint of hesitation, after seeing the scene where Sebayu turned and fled into a streamer, Fan Shengtian was already unwilling to run away.

What's more, Fan Shengtian himself knew very clearly that today, he and his party had already gone, and there was no possibility that he could compete directly with Zhang Wutian.

In addition, after tonight, Chi Youtang will undoubtedly be reduced to a farmhouse. One of the most cowardly of the six hall entrances, there is no possibility of competing for the peasant heroes.

Moreover, Chi Youtang only left him with a ‘light pole commander’. All the masters in the hall were all killed and died on the exotic land of Siam!

"So far, you still want to escape? Naive!"

Zhang Xiaofan turned his eyes and saw that Fan Shengtian had already flew a distance of thousands of feet at this moment. It was a half step. The ability to escape from the infant realm was fully exerted.

"Eight shots!"

"call out--!"

I saw that a golden light track cut through the night sky, and Zhang Xiaofan's figure disappeared with this golden light.

It took just under a second before and after that, his whole body suddenly showed his figure in that golden light track, and he had successfully blocked Fan Shengtian.


"What the **** is this, exactly ?!"

After looking at Zhang Xiaofan who suddenly appeared in front of himself, Fan Shengtian showed a terrified expression on his face, and his body became more uncontrollable and began to move backwards.

Although Zhang Xiaofan had used the "eight close-up mirrors" like ghosts to kill all the powerful players in the World Arbitration Council in an instant, but Fan Shengtian was just a spectator at the side. .

But now, when Zhang Xiaofan uses the same method to rush in front of himself, Fan Shengtian just felt really, what an amazing speed!

"Even if Chiyoutang is placed in the farmhouse, it is one of the best forces, but it is a pity that you should not, should not, just provoke me ..."

While speaking these words, Zhang Xiaofan shook his head slowly and could not help seeing the look on his face now, as if he felt sorry for the destruction of Chi Youtang.

The next moment, Zhang Xiaofan slowly raised his right index finger and aimed at Fan Shengtian, whispered softly in his mouth, said.


With the words of Zhang Xiaofan falling down, the golden photon condensed above the index finger of the right hand, and the next moment it penetrated into Fan Shengtian's brows.

This golden flash is too fast and cannot be sent!

From the beginning to the end, Fan Shengtian failed to make even the most basic response.

Within a short distance of less than tens of feet, this golden streamer passed directly through the eyebrows, and then came ‘Boom—! ' ’A deafening explosion!

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