The Three Realms of Super Students

Chapter 6643: Wind Attribute

I saw that there was a hole in Fan Shengtian's eyebrow, but there was no change in the expression on Fan Shengtian's face. Instead, the corner of his mouth rose, and a meaningful smile was drawn on his face.

Seeing this, Zhang Xiaofan's eyebrows frowned slightly, and he looked at the position of Fan Shengtian's brows.

I saw that Fan Shengtian's eyebrow was indeed penetrated by the laser laser emitted by his finger, but there was no trace of blood flowing out of the hole, and everything seemed so empty.

On the contrary, when this laser laser attack penetrated Fan Shengtian's eyebrows, he eventually hit the mountains behind him and produced a large-scale explosion.

As for Zhang Xiaofan's attack on Fan Shengtian just as if Fan Shengtian's eyebrows were in a completely transparent position and nothingness, how strange it was.

"Hahahaha ....."

"Zhang Wutian, I admit that you are indeed unparalleled in combat power, but if you think you have this ability on hand, you want to kill me Fan Shengtian? Then you are too naive!"

During the conversation, Fan Shengtian saw that the hollow of his eyebrow was actually healing at a speed visible to the naked eye at this moment.

Immediately afterwards, Fan Shengtian laughed loudly on his back, and the whole person flew back.

In the process of retrogression, Fan Shengtian's figure is also a little, a little becomes transparent, and the illusion has begun to rise, as if the whole person is about to disappear between this world and the next moment.


"Looks like, you guy is still a wind-powered ability!"

After observing Fan Shengtian, Zhang Xiaofan rubbed his chin, murmured softly, and there was a touch of surprise in his words.

Fan Shengtian, I did not expect that he is also an elemental power, but also belongs to the most bizarre wind power among the elemental powers .....

When Zhang Xiaofan slowly said that Fan Shengtian had come, he saw that his entire body was already at this time, completely disappeared into the air, disappeared with the wind, flowed with the wind, invisible and phaseless, making people fundamental Fan Shengtian's true body could not be captured from the breeze.

"Zhang Wutian, one day, I, Fan Shengtian, will avenge you!"

"The shame you brought to me today, Fan Shengtian and Chi Youtang, will be doubled in the future!"

In such a weird scene, everyone in the audience couldn't help but stare at their eyes and get cold in their hearts. Between this vast world, only Fan Shengtian's voice of resentment and abomination slowly spread. !!

As for all this happening, Zhang Xiaofan is still standing still in the air like before.

Suddenly, he opened his eyes violently, and raised the corners of his mouth, revealing a confident smile that Zhizhu was holding.

"Fan Shengtian, no one in the world can escape from my Zhang Wutian, neither can you!"


The next moment, Zhang Xiaofan's left and right fists actually burned a red flame, and the gorgeous flames were connected one after another, eventually forming a gorgeous and strange flame whip.

I saw, Zhang Xiaofan was dancing wildly with one hand, the flames were hundreds of feet long, and he felt free in the void. In a moment, the violent wind rose, and a flame storm vortex appeared on the sky ....

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