The Three Realms of Super Students

Chapter 6644: No one can escape


At this moment, I only heard a scream of despair and terror in the void. Numerous fine fragments of the current were attracted by the flame storm created by Zhang Xiaofan, and eventually Fan Shengtian's was gradually formed in it. Stature.

I saw that Fan Shengtian would no longer be so proud of Zhang's former look. His face had already been replaced by that thick fear and fear, and he saw a ghostly expression alive. .

As we all know, if you want to confront the elemental ability, you can give any part of your body to the elemental power, or you are the same as the other elemental power.

Or, you can only rely on the extremely special power of true mystery to use the power of true mystery to 'capture' the already elemental power!

But even if it is the power of true mystery, it is beyond its reach.

That is, the power of the true element is also extremely difficult to restrain those who can be transformed into countless small breeze wind powers.

Because they can instantly dissipate their bodies into this heaven and earth, and blend into the breezes.

While the ontology can be elementized, it can be directly dismantled into countless small parts in an instant, and disappear into this sky instantly.

At that time, as long as the crisis has passed, the person with wind attributes will gradually re-aggregate his body and become intact as before.

Because of this, for other ordinary practitioners, they want to seriously hurt the wind power, which is a difficult thing in itself, let alone kill the wind power to the spot.

Previously, Zhang Xiaofan had been able to directly kill ‘Red Lotus Goddess’ Elina between her hands. In Fan Shengtian ’s eyes, Zhang Xiaofan must have used the power of true mystery.

But now, when Fan Shengtian himself encountered such a situation himself, he realized afterwards that this is not a horrible means that the so-called true mysterious power can know!

I saw at this moment that the flame storm sweeping the sky formed a huge vortex of energy.

And in this energy vortex, it is continuously releasing extremely powerful and horrifying traction into the hundreds of miles of land.

This is like a black hole with no visible end. It directly leaks all the wind currents within hundreds of miles around, and the coefficient sweeps it to the exact center of the flame storm.

Therefore, even if Fan Shengtian wants him to dismantle it through a long breeze through his elementalization, and flee from Zhang Xiaofan's eyelids, it is useless!

In the vortex formed by this fire storm, let alone a slight breeze.

Even the towering trees above the mountains below, tons of megaliths, and even the mountains began to disintegrate under this horrible traction. They were uprooted and sucked into the flame vortex, unable to escape. !!

At this moment, Fan Shengtian's eyes were filled with the hot, terrifying crimson fire storm.

Moreover, this crimson flame storm is rapidly shrinking at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Fan Shengtian is at the core of this storm, and he can feel very clearly that his limbs and bones have been incinerated and burned a little bit under the hot high temperature incineration ...

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