The Three Realms of Super Students

Chapter 6662: Love song prince

"If I could be as fortunate as Luo Yurou, and be able to win the quest of Prince of Love Songs, how good would it be ..."

Panyu Tiannai is a second-year graduate student of Peiping University and has the same major as Luo Yurou.

Therefore, after learning that his profession has come to such a beautiful and charming little teacher, even if he has always been known as the "Prince of Love Song" in Peking University, he can't help it. His inner restlessness directly launched a one-week crazy courtship offensive against Luo Yurou.

Today, Pan Yutian made a decision in his heart. Taking this precious opportunity, he found many dead parties and blocked Luo Yu and her girlfriend Wu Peipei together in front of Weiming Lake. The charming singing voice directly took Luo Yurou down.

After seeing this scene before him, the look on Zhang Xiaofan's face remained the same as before.

But deep down in his heart, there was a weird feeling that was unclear and unclear, but it really existed. Zhang Xiaofan couldn't say anything for a while.

"Okay, it's almost enough to watch lively, let's go!"

However, Zhang Xiaofan didn't think much about the weird feeling rising up in his heart, and was about to pull Zhao Yinger directly to leave the wrong place.

However, Zhao Yinger did not leave with Zhang Xiaofan, and saw that the corner of the girl's mouth was raised, and a smile that seemed non-smiling appeared on the pretty face, pointing to Luo Yurou, smiling.

"Xiao Fan, don't you go over to help the old classmates make a clearance?"

During the talk, Zhao Yinger's small face also showed a sullen smile, and a pair of almond eyes narrowed slightly, which made Zhang Xiaofan feel an ominous premonition faintly.

"I come over?!"

Said, Zhang Xiaofan was the beast pointing his nose, his face inexplicable, said.

"I'm fine, what did I do in the past?"

Hearing that, Zhao Yinger just raised her little hand and gently pinched Zhang Xiaofan's left ear, not angry, said.

"Well, sloppy with me here."

"Don't you just see it? Someone is courting Luo Yurou in front of so many teachers at Peiping University ..."

In this regard, Zhang Xiaofan also cooperated with the appearance of complaining, said.

"Yes, I'm not blind, of course I saw it."

"But, what does this matter have to do with me? It is Luo Yurou who is pursuing, not you, I am not an international policeman, and I can't control it."

"嘁 .... 嘁 .... 嘁 ....."

"Such a beautiful and lovely woman is deeply attached to you, isn't it that you just let it go to others casually ?!"

While speaking these words, Zhao Ying'er's pair of almonds' eyes narrowed slightly. Although there was still a sweet smile on the pretty face, Zhang Xiaofan could clearly feel that a cold chill went straight down him The soleplate of his feet rushed towards Tianlinggai.

"Yingbao, oh no, wife, I can swear to God, I just really didn't have that idea!"

Speaking, Zhang Xiaofan put his right index finger and **** close together to make a swear, and repeatedly denied it, saying.

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