The Three Realms of Super Students

Chapter 6663: On Men's Survival


In this regard, the smile on Zhao Yinger's face became more intriguing, said.

"You just said there was no such idea? Really!"

"Then you mean, I was just hit by it!"


"No, how could I have thought this way? Wife, you think too much, too sensitive, okay ....."

At this moment, Zhang Xiaofan felt more and more that the language he had just spoken was in a hurry to change his mouth, but Zhao Ying'er looked so clear that he didn't want to let Zhang Xiaofan go so easily.

"Well, I have to say, Xiaofan, your face is really as thick as a wall!"

"Isn't Luo Yurou who is yours, who, or who needs you to give it to others ?!"

For a while, Zhang Xiaofan felt that he was really completely out of the circle now. If Zhao Yinger really broke the casserole with himself at this time and asked to the end, such a means and kilometers really made him a 'big master'. Already.

As the saying goes, ‘there is too much to lose’!

Simply, Zhang Xiaofan was silent at this time, just in case he didn't know where the ‘cause came from the mouth’!

After seeing Zhang Xiaofan's eyes and nose, nose and heart, it's irrelevant. After hanging high, Zhao Ying'er also loosened the small hand that pinched Zhang Xiaofan's left ear, shook his head and said.

"Okay ..... Okay .... Is it okay not to say you?"

"What do you think is a good thing?"

"Don't you know that girls will feel very burdened with this pursuit that they don't like people at all, and it is not easy to solve it?"

"Besides, let's not talk about it for a while. Now you look at Luo Yurou's expression now, don't you think she is weak, pitiful and helpless now?"

During the conversation, Zhao Yinger set her eyes on Luo Yurou again.

I saw that at this moment, Luo Yurou Dai's eyebrows frowned. She wanted to leave this place of right and wrong, but was surrounded by a group of men around her, making her unable to get away even if she wanted to get away.

As for that Panyu Tian, ​​still holding his acoustic guitar in his arms, he was singing the song "Love Like Tide" repeatedly, and from time to time he still cast a smile that he thought was very handsome towards Luo Yurou.

However, compared to Luo Yurou, Wu Peipei, who was next to her, was already trembling, and there was a flood of peach in her eyes, right? !!

You have to know that these young men do n’t say much about gold, and they are still recognized as the “Prince of Love Songs” by Peking University.

In addition, it is worth mentioning that there were many girlfriends who had been with me before this fanciful day. Each one can be regarded as the high-quality level of the class flower of each class and the department flower of each department.

But there is still an old saying that people should be damned, and goods should be thrown.

Before meeting Luo Yurou, Pan Yutian felt what kind of flowers he was dealing with, and the flowers were beautiful.

But if it is compared with Luo Yurou, the peerless beauty ranked No. 2 in the Fengyun School of Peiping University, then there is nothing comparable between the two. !!

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