The Three Realms of Super Students

Chapter 6674: Zhang Xiaofan's Shura Field

Especially when Zhao Yinger suddenly greeted herself, this made Luo Yurou feel incomprehensible.

After a short period of misunderstanding, Luo Yurou also quickly readjusted his state, and also stretched out his slim hand, holding it with Zhao Yinger.

It is undeniable that Zhao Ying'er and Luo Yurou's two daughters can be described as Chunlan Qiuqi, each with its own advantages.

Because of this, many male students of Peiping University have looked at this side with envious eyes, and from time to time they have raised a thumbs up at Zhang Xiaofan to express their inner worship and respect.

What is called 'Invincible'? !!

This is called the real 'Invincible', right? It is not over with a school flower, and then I found another school flower and embraced it.

Moreover, this is not the point that admires them most. What really admires them is that this little fan is really very capable.

In a situation where the two tigers are not tolerated, Luo Yu can still soften and maintain a peaceful relationship between the two daughters, Zhao Yinger, and there is no smell of gunpowder. Such a technique of controlling his wife is really amazing!

As for Zhang Xiaofan, he was now sandwiched by Luo Yu's soft daughter Zhao Yinger, and he was somewhat uncomfortable with the strange and inexplicable atmosphere.

"Yu Rou, the last time, I really want to thank you."

"If you hadn't come to me to explain the ins and outs of things, then I might still be in the dark now, I don't know the truth ..."

Zhao Yinger looked at Luo Yurou, and her tone was extremely sincere.

Indeed, if Luo Yurou did not take the initiative and promptly clarify the previous events to himself, the misunderstanding between Zhao Yinger and Zhang Xiaofan would not be resolved so quickly, neither would they. Reconcile as soon as possible.

In this regard, Luo Yurou just nodded with a smile, but the smile on her face was obviously more reluctant than Zhao Yinger.

In fact, if you really want to say it, the last time Luo Yurou chose to go to Zhao Yinger to explain the previous misunderstanding clearly, mainly to complete Zhang Xiaofan and Zhao Yinger, but she is still alone ...

"Thank you for today's events, and I would like to let Zhang Xiaofan come forward to help me make a clearance."

"Seriously, if it wasn't for Zhang Xiaofan's appearance in time, facing Pan Yutian and his group of dead parties, I really don't know what to do ...."

After hearing Luo Yurou's thanks, Zhao Yinger just shook her head slowly, said.

"Yu Rou, you misunderstood."

"I think if I didn't walk with Xiaofan today, it's just him alone, I don't think Xiaofan will never sit idly by ..."

After hearing Zhao Yinger's words, Luo Yurou couldn't help but hesitated.

For a moment, she was somewhat inexplicable. At this time, Zhao Yinger chose to say such a word to herself. What was her intention?

As for Zhang Xiaofan, who was caught in the middle of the second daughter, she had been looking at the nose and the heart, and he also had a slightly wrinkled sword eyebrow.

To be honest, Zhang Xiaofan is now inexplicably clear what Zhao Yinger said when he said these words ...

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