The Three Realms of Super Students

Chapter 6675: Fight once not addictive

In this regard, Zhao Yinger did not explain anything, she just poked Zhang Xiaofan under the ribs, a little bit coquettish, said.

"Xiao Fan, look at your old fault and you've made it again. In a few words, you will fight against the suspicion of life, right ?!"

Undoubtedly, Zhao Ying'er said this obviously referring to Panyutian who looked up and down, as if the whole soul had been completely emptied.

In this regard, Zhang Xiaofan could only shrug his shoulders quite helplessly.

"I said Yingbao, you can't throw this pot on me. Before that, I had sounded the alarm for him. Before I decided to humiliate him in public, let him fight, get out Where to go. "

"But who ever thought that in the face of my kind advice, instead of being half-hearted, this fancier is still arrogant and pretentious in front of me."


"This is really a classic old win. Skyscrapers can still live, but they can't live by themselves."

After hearing Zhang Xiaofan's remarks, Zhao Yinger couldn't help but cover her mouth with a smile. Naturally, she had just heard these remarks.

But if it was changed to anyone who heard what Zhang Xiaofan said, it would not be regarded as a sincere 'advice', but it would be regarded as a provocative behavior. move.

Therefore, the reason why this Fantian is angry after this is completely reasonable.

However, looking at Zhang Xiaofan's innocent expression at this moment, this also made Zhao Yinger feel another crying and laughing, and really did not know what to say.

As for the side, Luo Yurou couldn't help sighing in her heart when she looked at Zhang Xiaofan and Zhao Yinger who had no sense of disobedience and had a tacit understanding.

"Really, no matter from what point of view, they are really a pair of golden boys and girls, that kind of match ....."

Not far away, the words between Zhang Xiaofan and Zhao Yinger naturally made Pan Yutian come back from the previous shock, and a look of anger appeared again on his face.

I saw, however, that this three-step and two-step step forward again, and gritted his teeth in front of Zhang Xiaofan, very unwilling, said.

"Boy, I didn't agree with it just now, I have to fight you again!"

In this regard, Zhang Xiaofan's playful smile gradually grew stronger, said.

"Oh? It's not fun to hit you once, and you want to take another hit?"

After hearing this, Pan Yutian also chose to persist after a little thought in his heart.


"I know that I am not your opponent when it comes to singing skills, but if it ’s a one-on-one bullfight in the basketball court, who wins and who loses may not be."

"Okay, I'm too lazy to tell you the nonsense, just tell me if you dare to fight with me!"

Seriously, Panyu Tianhuo fought so hard, and has never lost his face in the presence of so many people like today.

In particular, the scornful, taunting eyes projected from the crowd around him seemed to be a knife, which penetrated into his heart of Panyu Tian fiercely.

At this moment, Pan Yutian has no other thoughts. He just wants to find Zhang Xiaofan's body and find the face he had previously lost!

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