The Three Realms of Super Students

Chapter 6694: Division of the spiritual world

I saw that the chain was extremely concealed, and the whole body was covered with red-brown rust, which was directly integrated with the red-brown plants on this mountain.

If you are not familiar with the terrain and structure here, you can't find its key point.

Liu Xintong pulled down the left and right sides of the chain more than five times respectively. At the moment, a crisp sound came along, and a hole appeared in the air above the wall at this moment.

"Well, if you enter from here, you will soon reach the outer door of the Shuzheng School!"

"The outside door of the Shuzen Sect ?!"

After Meng Buding heard the word 'outside door' from the girl's mouth, Zhang Xiaofan was also quite surprised.

At this moment, he can clearly feel that in this inner world, there is a unique hole in the sky, extremely vast, which is isolated from the bustling world outside and forms a small world of its own.


Seeing Zhang Xiaofan suddenly asked about this, Liu Xintong did not want to conceal it, but was outspoken.

"Our series of monastic gates, such as Wuleizong, Honglianzong, and Nine Demon Halls, are in the outer world!"

"And looking at the entire world of the Xiuzhen Sect, in addition to the hundreds of princes and outer gates, the rest is the inner gate world, and finally the world of the heaven gate that exists only in the legend."

"It's just that my strength is too low now, let alone the unreachable heavenly gate world. I have never even seen the inner gate world with my own eyes ..."

At this time, Liu Xintong explained the distinction between the outer door, the inner door, and the heaven door of the Xiuzheng Sect. At the same time, his heart also became less optimistic about Zhang Xiaofan.

Even some of the basic conditions of repairing the True Sect's Gate are not clear. Obviously he can never be an insider. As for the person who only exists in the legendary Tianmen, it is even more nonsense.

What good is it to come to a ‘Xiao Bai’ who does n’t know anything?

Could it be that when the army of the Nine Demon Palace is under pressure after seven days, let this ‘little white’ rely on his three-inch tongue that is not bad, and ca n’t “say” the people in the Nine Demon Palace? !!

After thinking about it, Liu Xintong's cheeky face unconsciously showed a touch of indifference.

However, considering Tian Hongwu's exhortations to himself before, Liu Xintong naturally did not dare to show his inner dissatisfaction and disdain on his own face, but always respected Zhang Xiaofan's attitude as always and must answer questions.

"Outer door, inner door, sky door, triple door ?!"

After hearing about Liu Xintong's division of the three levels of Xiuzhen Sect, Zhang Xiaofan shook his head with a smile.

"Interesting, this is really interesting ..."

In this way, Zhang Xiaofan and Liu Xintong, a man and a woman, entered the cave one after another. The rock wall behind them also merged inward on both sides as they entered. The design is also very delicate.

In the darkness, Liu Xintong obviously had fireworks in his hands that could be used for lighting.

However, she did not use it intentionally. The main purpose was to let Zhang Xiaofan be a prostitute, and by the way, try to test the depth of Zhang Xiaofan. Does she really have the true ability? It is just a generation of purely guilty. .....

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