But in the following, what made Liu Xintong feel astonished was that Zhang Xiaofan still walked as usual as before.

But each step is very stable. It seems that the darkness in which the five fingers can't be reached in front of him seems to have no effect on Zhang Xiaofan.

"No way, he's also a spiritualist? !!!"

With this in mind, Liu Xintong began to look at Zhang Xiaofan again.

However, Liu Xintong looked left and right, but he never felt the fluctuation of the true Yuan of the half-familiar practitioners in Zhang Xiaofan's body.

Except for that handsome appearance, the rest revealed a sense of mediocrity, making it impossible for him to see its depth from him.

"Can't do it, now that he has reached the realm of returning to the real world?"

Thinking about this, Liu Xintong shook his head again and again.


"How is this possible? !!!"

"You know, the real state of returning to the true state, even the eight elders of their Wuleizong, I am afraid that so far they have not touched such a high state."

"As for the young man in front of him, he is at least twenty-four or five years old."

"So young, I've reached the realm of returning to life. How is this possible ...?"

After coming out of the cave, the sight that greeted the eyes made people suddenly feel bright.

I saw, the world in front, Bibo scouts, and the landscape in the distance are connected in a line, a good place for peace.

"It turned out that the Shuzheng Sect's gates were hidden in such a rather hidden little thousand world, no wonder, so few people have been familiar with it for so many years."

"In addition, the whereabouts of your Buddhist monks are also erratic and quite hidden!"

Seeing this, Zhang Xiaofan nodded secretly, but in his mind suddenly remembered the literary heroes of the Eastern Jin Dynasty. Tao Yuanming's "Peach Blossom Sources" was filled with emotions.

At the same time, Zhang Xiaofan also faintly expressed his deep interest in the door of Xiuzhen Sect which only exists in ancient books and books.

At this moment, the sky had completely darkened, and Liu Xintong did not dare to stop any more, and took Zhang Xiaofan's non-stop to gallop towards Wulei Mountain in this paradise.

During this journey, through a small lake, Liu Xintong respected Zhang Xiaofan and said respectfully.

"Mr. Zhang, rafting can shorten the time by more than half compared to walking on the land. I had parked a flat boat on this lake before. Would you mind traveling with the little girl?"

"Ha ha....."

"It doesn't make much difference to me to go by water or land, but now that you say so, let's go by water!"

In speaking, Zhang Xiaofan stepped directly into the lonely boat with a relaxed look, and Yang Yang, who was so careless, was on the boat's head, his hands were pillows, and he looked up at the stars above the night sky.

Seeing Zhang Xiaofan's familiar appearance, Liu Xintong naturally rubbed his little white teeth.

Think of her female disciples one by one outside the world, will actually become a boatman for a seemingly ordinary young man ...

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