The Three Realms of Super Students

Chapter 6696: Road siege

It's really ironic when you think about it this way!

In this way, a leaf lonely boat slides forward quickly under the action of Liu Xintong's true energy.

But looking back at Zhang Xiaofan, he was still lying on the bow of the former Yu Youyou, how could he be leisurely?

In the end, Zhang Xiaofan closed his eyes and closed his eyes with false eyes, which also made Liu Xintong at the tail of the boat look flushed.


In this way, the boat traveled for about 10 minutes, a muffled sound suddenly exploded on the right bank location, and a water column rushed into the clouds.

For such a sudden change, Zhang Xiaofan still did not do anything like the previous one, and he still closed his eyes and rejoiced, contentedly.

In this regard, Liu Xintong was a little frowning of Dai Mei, and her mind was also tense.

I saw her looking around, and she saw that there were a dozen or so figures in the shadows that were constantly staggering back and forth.

In this regard, even if Liu Xintong's current five-character dynasty. Condensed Realm is the true Yuan Xiu, for a time, it still feels a little bit unreal.

"Hahahaha ....."

"It's really unexpected, you'll encounter two talented disciples of Wu Leizong here."

"Since you and I are so destined, we might as well return with us to visit the Nine Demon Temple and be a good guest."

"At that time, I will definitely" enter "the two, and will definitely make you feel welcome!"

When it comes to the words 'home away from home', the figure in the dark even makes a weird sound of '桀桀 桀 .....'.

With the fall of the strange laughter, one or two people appeared on one side.

The breath of each of them was extremely powerful. The moment when they punched and punched, they were so angry that they blasted the shore to the flying sand, and the water columns rose into the sky one after another.

As for the other side, there are only two people, one male and one female.

At this moment, the faces of this man and woman are full of anxiety and solemnity.

After seeing the faces of this man and a woman, Liu Xintong was naturally not familiar with it.

They are not others. They are two first-class peerless geniuses within the Five Thunders, Zheng Kuolin and Liu Xinfeng.

One of them, Liu Xintong's sister, was what made her so nervous.

I saw that the momentum of Zheng Kuolin and Liu Xinfeng Zhou was rising steadily, and a purple Raymang faintly appeared between the anger surge, resisting the fierce and overbearing attack from the twelve people.

Although, the real Yuan Xiu of Liu Xinfeng and Zheng Kuolin have already reached the realm of the foreign kingdom. According to their current age, the true Yuan Xiu of today is enough to be proud.

However, the other party was completely reluctant to show weakness, how big are the twelve lords, even if they rely on the Five Thunder Sect, the fierce thunderous power.

In addition, although there are twelve foreign kingdoms across the country. His Holiness is not fake, but most of them still hold a stance of playing cats and mice, and do their best to attack before they come up. Zheng Kuolin and Liu Xinfeng.

In this way, in the face of the absolute strength gap between the two ...

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