The Three Realms of Super Students

Chapter 6726: I'm late

The color of fear in a pair of old eyes is even more intense.

I saw that the somewhat poisonous figure of Wandu King rolled in mid-air and fell heavily on the ground. His face was even more ashamed, and he fell still on the ground.

Bai Susu felt that this embrace had a very strong and familiar acquaintance. Her eyelids were slightly lifted, and she just faced a handsome man with a smile on his side.


When looking at the face of his man in his arms, Bai Susu Tankou slightly opened his mouth, an indescribable surprise, a little complex expression, and a little climbed his face.

With a soft smile on the teenager's face, a touch of guilt also appeared on his face.

"Sister Su Su, I'm sorry, I didn't notice that the person leading the Red Lotus Sect will be you."

"I'm late."

The teenager was extremely sorry, said.

He did not recognize the melanin before, if not, he rescued the melanin in the teenager's hand.

However, in the face of the young man's words, Bai Susu still maintained the astonishment of the previous tankou. He could not even say a complete sentence for a long time, but he was so cheeky and crazy. Looked silly at the young man who was giving himself to him.


"Am I dreaming ?!"

During the conversation, Bai Susu still exerted a little force, struck her own wrist, felt a sharp tingling, and it was very obvious. It was definitely not a simple dream.

At this point in her mind, Bai Susu's beautiful eyes stared on the teenager's extraordinary side face momentarily. Until now, she still has a deep dreamlike feeling.

At that moment, Bai Susu thought that he was going to die, and never saw the young man who happened to meet him by accident.

And this mahogany sword worn on his neck will eventually become a fond memory forever buried in the deepest part of his heart.

But what made Bai Susu never dream of is that this young man who should have existed in his dreams suddenly walked into the reality from the dream, and did not forget to save himself from the edge of life and death.

What's more, it's not just she who is terrified.

At this moment, in the performance martial arts, one after another, all horrified, surprised, or shocked, all focused on this young man.


"Isn't that the college student at Peiping University ?!"

Zheng Kuolin's face was full of dullness at the moment, unbelievable, said.

Compared to Zheng Kuolin, the sisters of the Liu family are not as good as the former. They are also shocked, and their eyes are wide.

Originally, in the eyes of their sisters, they were nothing but ordinary teenagers. At this moment, they were walking in the vanity, and this was simply to completely smash their entire view of cognition!

As we all know, in the realm of cultivation, only strong men above the level of supernatural powers can stand in the air.

However, in front of this seemingly ordinary young man, how could he have such an amazing depth of cultivation? !!


"he came....."

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