The Three Realms of Super Students

Chapter 6727: Sources above Everest

Seeing the young man standing up in the air, Tian Hongwu suddenly exulted and shouted loudly.

There is no doubt that Zhang Xiaofan's appearance at the moment of the moment is undoubtedly a beacon to illuminate the road ahead of them!

Similarly, when looking at the back of the proud young Lang, Su Wanqing began to tremble with an unstoppable heart.


"How did he appear in this place?"

"This ... this shouldn't be deceiving!"

While secretly thinking in her heart, Su Wanqing still rubbed her eyes and realized that everything in front of her eyes was not an illusion. The arrogant and unparalleled young man in the world did indeed appear in front of her eyes again.

The boy held Bai Susu in his arms in the form of a princess, and then stepped down slowly from above the sky. He came to the front of Honglianzong and Wuleizong with a soft smile.

"Sister Susu, I'm really sorry, it hurts you."

"But you don't have to worry too much, I'll heal you now!"

During the conversation, the young man was holding Bai Susu ’s slender fiber wrist that had never been touched by a man, and felt the hot breath from the man ’s big hand, which made Bai Susu's pretty face a little red, a heart It was even more ups and downs.

Although she was shy inside, Bai Susu never thought that she would break free from the young man in front of her.

In this way, a stream of warm, soft air poured into the body of white pigment.

In an instant, Bai Susu was a terrible discovery. His own internal organs, which had been severely damaged by the King of Toxins, were at this moment, accompanied by the magical gentle airflow, at a speed that was visible to the naked eye. How can it be repaired? !!

Feeling this strange change that happened in his body, Bai Susu couldn't help looking at this handsome and handsome young man in front of him.

This also makes Bai Susu can't help recalling the scene where the two met at the summit of Mount Everest two years ago.

At that time, Zhang Xiaofan had just climbed the summit of Mount Everest and successfully used the calamity to overcome the calamity. Compared to the present day, the true Yuan Xiu can only be described by the word 'weakness'.

However, although Zhang Xiaofan was fragile and inferior at that time, his eyes were deeply indestructible and the perseverance of ordinary people was difficult to understand, which also made Bai Su Suton feel shocked.

In the end, with the assistance of Bai Susu, the young man has just broken through the borders of the foreign kingdom. His breath is also a little bit stable, and he has laid a solid foundation for future promotion.

After that, Zhang Xiaofan and Bai Susu also spent about one and a half months on the snow-capped mountains of Mount Everest.

It was also at that time that Bai Susu realized it afterwards and realized that there would still be such an interesting person in this world, and in a few words, he made himself a mess.

However, for a month and a half, the length is long and the short is short. Zhang Xiaofan still has his unfinished mission to do, and Bai Susu, as the master of the Red Lotus Sect, also has many things that she needs to shoulder.

That's it, before parting .....

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