The Three Realms of Super Students

Chapter 6863: Brother Pei's fan

Right now, this man named Pei is already in Yangcheng. Everyone from the Zhao family gave Feng Ruobin a guest!

The old man, Zhao Guofan, is in the same age as this elder brother Pei.

In addition, Brother Pei is the chief disciple of Yuantianmen's inner door and Ye Qingsen's brother. In terms of status and strength, he is ten times stronger than Ye Qingsen and more than a hundred times stronger!

"Cousin, what kind of organization is this Yuantianmen you said? Why haven't I heard of it before ..."

After hearing the chorus of Zhao Haoyu and Zhao Yingxuan, Zhao Yinger was more or less curious, said.

"Yinger, this is a sect that exists only in the world of cultivation. It is very difficult for you to imagine their power and horror alone!"

"I can tell you with certainty that in this world, there really exists a strong self-cultivation power who can soar in the sky and smash the jade in one punch!"

"And this Yuantianmen is where Zongmen specializing in the cultivation of this kind of self-cultivation powerhouse is located. Your future brother-in-law Ye Qingsen, he is a self-cultivation powerhouse in Yuantianmen!

When Zhao Yingxuan saw her sister suddenly raised her interest, she couldn't help but be proud of herself, and began to show off her boyfriend in a frown.

Zhao Haoyu on the side also pecked the rice with the chicken, and reunited.

"Yes, sister Ying, don't you know, there is another brother Pei!"

"Compared to my prospective brother-in-law, this older brother Pei is better off than anything!"

"Brother Pei had a little show with us last night."

"A few hundred meters apart, an understated wave of one hand is a fragmentation of a stone lion, which is broken and cracked. This is simply too great, too powerful!"

"Wait a while, after Brother Pei returns from the old man's side, I will introduce him to you and know you ..."

Seeing the excitement of his cousin Zhao Haoyu, Zhao Yinger was smiling at the moment, looking at his left hand, his face was light and light, and Zhang Xiaofan stood proudly, with a touch of sweetness in his mouth Come with a sweet smile.

How could Zhao Haoyu and Zhao Yingxuan know?

The man standing in front of them is exactly one of the great masters of cultivation of the world who can be called a generation of masters?

In this way, after Zhao Haoyu and Zhao Yingxuan bragged about the so-called "Brother Pei" to each other, the group and others successively stepped into the house of the Zhao family.

Zhao Yingxuan dragged Zhao Yinger to her boudoir, and seemed to want to talk about some boudoir secrets between their women.

Because of this, there are only Zhang Xiaofan, Ye Qingsen and Zhao Haoyu in the meeting room.

Zhao Haoyu kept pulling Ye Qingsen to chat. The two chatted so hotly that they completely isolated Zhang Xiaofan and ignored him, as if he was an outsider at all. It was insignificant.

In the face of such treatment, Zhang Xiaofan did not take it to heart at all. He leaned halfway on the teacher's chair and closed his eyes and stunned, how could he be at ease? !!

After all, in Zhao Xiaofan's eyes, Zhao Haoyu was just a young boy with a stinky hairy hair. He was not qualified to enter his law .....

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