The Three Realms of Super Students

Chapter 6864: Just a student

Therefore, as long as Zhao Haoyu did not do too much in everything, Zhang Xiaofan was too lazy to share his general knowledge.

As for Ye Qingsen, the true Yuan Xiu just reached the Five Qi Dynasty. Condensing the level of consummation is great. In front of Zhang Xiaofan, a generation of masters who are as easy as killing chickens and killing sheep. It makes no difference.

"Your name is Zhang Xiaofan, right ?!"

But just as Zhang Xiaofan closed his eyes and raised his soul, I saw Ye Yu turned around at this moment, and opened the door directly to see the mountain.

"I wonder where you are now?"

Zhang Xiaofan opened his eyes for a moment, and gave a slight glance at this Ye Qingsen, rather casually.

"Oh, Gao can't talk about it. I'm still a student at school."

After hearing that Zhang Xiaofan was still a student at the school, Ye Qingsen was even more sneer.

"Having done it for a long time, but just a college student who is still studying in school!"

"I don't know what **** has gone with him, but he can chase Zhao Yinger, such a fairy-like girlfriend ..."

With this in mind, Ye Qingsen was remorseless. If he wasn't with Zhao Yingxuan so soon, he would have racked his brains and tried his best to chase Zhao Yinger, the beautiful woman.

However, now that he is about to get engaged with Zhao Yingxuan, it is useless to talk about it again.

On the other hand, Zhao Haoyu, when he heard that Zhang Xiaofan was a 'student', his face was full of contempt.

To be honest, he had some doubts whether Zhao Yinger had a sudden amusement in his head, and he would have chosen such a little hair boy to be his boyfriend.

Sorry, the only one who can get hold of this Xiao Fan is his one, which is still handsome and handsome.

However, aside from this skin bag, the rest of the words in all aspects, Brother Pei can be in all directions, from multiple angles to this crushed minute to doubt life, right? !!

"Well, looking at the whole world, only heroes like my brother Pei can be qualified to be my sister Yinger."

"As for this little white face, let's take a step back ..."

In this way, after inquiring Zhang Xiaofan, Ye Qingsen got answers that were neither salty nor obvious, but apparently perfunctory, and suddenly lost interest.

After that, only Gu De and Zhao Haoyu were talking about each other. In the living room, Zhang Xiaofan was completely like a stranger and completely isolated.


At the same time, in the boudoir, Zhao Yingxuan took Zhao Yinger's little hand, sat on the bedside, and suddenly asked, saying.

"Yinger, don't blame your sister Xuan for being so forthright, you really need to improve your vision ..."

Although Zhao Yingxuan just didn't point out directly that ‘Zhang Xiaofan’ is not good, but it ’s even more obvious to say that Zhao Yinger ’s vision is not good.

After hearing this, Zhao Yinger's two beautiful Daimei slightly clustered, and she was also very displeased to see someone say her boyfriend, but still asked lightly.

"Oh, I don't see what people's eyes can do, Sister Xuan said to see!"

After listening to it, Zhao Yingxuan pretended to be a person who came over, and said her words carefully and carefully.

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