The Three Realms of Super Students

Chapter 7257: Don't call me senior

At the beginning, when Zhang Xiaofan was helping Luo Yurou to urge Zhenqi, he had already realized very clearly that the congestion and tumor that had accumulated in Luo Yurou's body had completely disappeared.

If it's good, she should have been able to stand up when she asked that sentence in the garden outside the hospital.

However, the doubt in this mind flashed a moment in Zhang Xiaofan's mind, and he was soon left behind.

In any case, Luo Yurou was able to stand up again in a wheelchair, which was already a big joy, and it also allowed Zhang Xiaofan to keep a heart hanging high in his throat and completely let go.

However, just as Zhang Xiaofan was thinking secretly, he heard Luo Yurou behind him whispering quietly.

"Xiao Fan, can I tell you a secret?"

Hearing this, Zhang Xiaofan couldn't help but hesitated slightly, and Luo Yurou had already walked towards his side, and asked Zhang Xiaofan to lean his ears first.

However, just when Zhang Xiaofan was full of doubts, what exactly was the secret in Luo Yurou's mouth, he saw Luo Yurou quickly tap on Zhang Xiaofan's right cheek quickly, and then he could not help fluttering two blushes.

"Sorry, I'm worried I won't say it now, and I won't have the courage to say it later."

It is true. Before Luo Yurou decided to stand up just now, she had more than one in her heart, she thought secretly.

"If Zhang Xiaofan knows that I have recovered from a serious illness and can stand up again from a wheelchair, will he become ignorant of me?"

After all, this man is really too good and too dazzling.

It can be said that since Zhang Xiaofan started to work with Xiuzhen, he and he are no longer in the world.

He was so dazzling that he couldn't afford the courage to love him.

After Zhang Xiaofan heard Luo Yurou's words, the expression on his face became rare and calm, and he also said nothing.

After all, it's only natural that he can easily avoid it based on his current reaction ability.

However, this girl has eaten too much and suffered too much for the whole two years. Zhang Xiaofan can no longer refuse it like she did.

He took a deep breath, but patted Luo Yurou's shoulder gently, without saying much.

"Zhang ......."

"Senior Zhang Xiaofan, my daughter ... Is my daughter fully recovered ?!"

I have to say that what happened just now has a great impact on Luo Qingshan's father.

As a result, Luo Qingshan still has a dream like falling down, everything around him is so unreal and unlucky.

Even for a while, Luo Qingshan didn't know how to call Zhang Xiaofan. He could only subconsciously call the other party ‘predecessor’.

"No, just call my real name Zhang Xiaofan."

Zhang Xiaofan shook his hand calmly, said.

This Luo Qingshan is Luo Yurou's father anyway. If he wants to be his father, he will call himself Senior Zhang, and Senior Zhang is too short.

"She's all right now. I'll help him again. I can leave the hospital after adjusting my breath."

Zhang Xiaofan said so.

Indeed, you must know that Zhang Xiaofan is a real fairy who reshapes peaches .....

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