The Three Realms of Super Students

Chapter 7258: Hundred times compensation

In addition, Zhang Xiaofan's true Yuan Xiuwei has reached the inscrutable state of the golden body state. The two strong additions are not as simple as one plus one equals two. The effect on Luo Yurou Nature is extraordinary.

"That's good....."

"That's good....."

After hearing Zhang Xiaofan's words, Luo Qingshan finally relieved his long-time worries.

"Although the Luo family collapsed and my son went to jail, my daughter was finally safe and able to stand up again. This is a blessing in misfortune."

"In the future, I will do my best as a father and take care of him forever."

"Ha ha....."

"Mr. Luo can be relieved. Not only Luo Yurou, but even your son Luo Hongwu will soon be released from prison and reinstated."

"Also, not only Luo Hongwu, you Jiangnan Luo family have lost everything for me in the past two years because of Zhang Xiaofan. I Zhang Xiaofan will pay you back ten times."

Zhang Xiaofan shook his hand and directly interrupted Luo Qingshan's self-talk to the road.

"what did you say?!!"

"You mean ..."

For a while, after Meng Buding heard these words from Zhang Xiaofan, Luo Qingshan was shocked on the spot.

He also initially believed that Zhang Xiaofan was able to heal his daughter's legs, which was a blessing in misfortune.

But just looking at the words that Zhang Xiaofan said, it seems that not only his daughter, his son Luo Hongwu, but even his entire Jiangnan. Luo family can make a comeback again.

Some time ago, although I heard about this little news from my old friend Zhou Qiangdong's mouth, but these words from Zhang Xiaofan's mouth indicate that this matter has been finalized and there is no suspense.

This is undoubtedly a big surprise for him Luo Qingshan!

Until Luo Qingshan saw Zhang Xiaofan nodded affirmatively at him again, Luo Qingshan was extremely excited and silent.


"This is really ... it's so nice ..."

Luo Qingshan once again took a deep look at Zhang Xiaofan and looked at the young man who was in front of himself, and his heart was bound to rise with infinite emotion.

One year and a half ago, their Luo family ended in misery because of this young man, and the family was on the verge of dying.

Similarly, a year and a half later, it was because this young man made himself and even the entire Luo family reappear.

It was also until this moment that Luo Qingshan finally profoundly understood why the people in China ’s cultivation of the true world called Zhang Xiaofan the wicked talent of ‘no ancient people before, no one comes after’.

With his medical skills alone, it is enough to be called the word "Universal".

"Yu Rou, your skin ?!"

At the moment when his heart was infinitely emotional, Luo Qingshan set his eyes on his daughter again, and could not help but exclaim a little shock.

"what happened?!"

After hearing what his father said, Luo Yurou hurriedly asked.


"It seems to be a lot better than before, it's like a newborn baby ..."

Luo Qingshan racked his brains and finally could only use the word 'baby' to describe what was happening right now.

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