The Three Realms of Super Students

Chapter 7343: Lian Shengwu

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"Lian Shengwu, even if he looks at the big Jizhou generation, he is also an invincible player.

Guo Xiyue raised her eyebrows and sneered at the words of you and the words from the surrounding guests. They looked more like Zhang Xiaofan's eyes.


"Now, even Uncle Lian has shot?"

"Isn't that saying that Brother Zhang's situation is dangerous ..."

After thinking about it, Guo Xiyu was holding her little mouth tightly, and her heart was ‘cuckoo—! ’With a sound, an ominous premonition emerged.

As the second lady of the Jinmen Guo family, how could Guo Xiyu not know how great this uncle Lian who is always behind his father is.

In the past, Uncle Lian once stood in front of Guo Xiyue and the two sisters Guo Xiyu punched out, and a rockery was leveled.

And this Zhang Xiaofan, although he was able to be one hundred when facing Guo's bodyguards, his fighting power is extraordinary, but the high or low of the fighting power depends on who he compares with.

If, if you compare Zhang Xiaofan's strength with Zhen Yuan Xiu's distance from the infant world, and Lian Shengwu, a generation of strong armored men, then it is simply Firefly and Haoyue Zhenghui, between the two Is there any comparability in strength? !! !!


"It's really young and frivolous. It seems that this kid will soon pay for his arrogance and ignorance ..."

At the scene, many people shake their hair and make a long sigh.

"Boy, what do you want me to say about you ?!"

"Say that your newborn calf is not afraid of tigers, or that you do not know who is not afraid? It is not good to provoke anyone, but to provoke us to Jinmen Guo family."

"Today, it's a pity that you have different talents to kill. It's a pity to kill them. You simply abolish your two legs and let you always remember today's lesson."

As Lian Shengwu said, he stepped forward and approached Zhang Xiaofan step by step, his face also revealing a look of extreme regret.

I saw that after taking a few steps forward, Lian Shengwu was in a stunned posture, and then the whole person looked like the arrow from the laser. There is a touch of extremely strange metal color.

From this, it is not difficult to see that this Lian Shengwu majored in practicing external skills, especially that pair of iron fists, and it was his capital for vertical and horizontal cultivation!

On the other hand, Zhang Xiaofan, he only glanced at Lian Shengwu lightly, from the beginning to the end, he didn't even take the time to say what he said.

A half a step. The ants in the baby environment are all in Jinmen. The Jizhou generation can dominate the king, and it is worth the cost of the Guo family to spend a lot of time looking at it as a worshipper.

But this is only in Jinmen. In the eyes of the Guo family, this Lian Shengwu is a 'xiang xiang'. As far as Zhang Xiaofan is concerned, his current self, for the time being, doesn't say anything else, even if he is standing in the original The ground stayed still, and with one glance, he could smash his heart in one stroke with mental strength!

"And slow-!!!"

But just as Zhang Xiaofan was preparing to kill again, he just listened. Old lady Guo and Guo Yunsheng, who were standing in the middle of the crowd, suddenly spoke at this moment, breaking the silence in the field ...

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