The Three Realms of Super Students

Chapter 7344: Gusu Zhang family

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Seeing that Guo Yunsheng, who had never spoken, had suddenly spoken, he was about to smash Shang Lian Shengwu, and he quickly hurried to his feet and immediately stood against his feet, afraid to say anything.

And this in nature informs people that naturally also includes Guo Zhenping, he is also a little stunned, all subconsciously follow the reputation, look at the head of the Guo family, Guo Yunsheng, if there is anything else to say afterwards.

"This little friend, I just heard that you are from the Zhang family ?!"

When Guo Yunsheng said these words, his eyes also subconsciously fell on Qin Xiyan, who was protected by Zhang Xiaofan, and then looked at Zhang Xiaofan again. His old eyes were full of doubt and incomprehension.

"Zhang family? What Zhang family, do we still have this Zhang family in Jinmen ?!"

"Is it possible, what Mr. Guo said just now is the Zhang family of Gusu unsuccessful?"

"It is rumored that Qin Xiyan seemed to be managing family businesses for the Zhang family before returning to the Jinmen Guo family, such as Xuanji Pharmaceutical Group and Yayue Cosmetics."

"But if I really want to say it, this Gusu Zhang family, at best, is the emerging family power that has just emerged in the Jiangnan area in recent years."

"More interestingly, the Zhang family was not originally established in Gusu City, but was born in an unknown small village in Jizhou."

"As for the reason why this family can have today's glory, this is because the Zhang family has produced a remarkable figure, which is called the Jiangnan generation's mighty master, Master Zhang!"

"But after that, Zhang Wutian of their family seemed to have no news after they went to Emperor Russia. It is very likely that when they were buried in another country, they would lose the support of the big man and the Zhang family would soon decline."

"Now, this family is still unknown in Jiangnan. It may have been overwhelmed by the local forces in the Jiangnan area. Now, it is packing up, packing, and rolling back to their Jizhou somehow. The famous small village has gone. "

The people present were also very close to each other and kept talking about what was happening. Many of them talked about Qin Xiyan's identity in recent years, and people who knew the situation also spoke.


"This elder brother Zhang is an old friend of Sister Xiyan in Hangzhou. Don't you let Uncle Lian embarrass him, okay?"

When everyone was controversial, making mutual guesses about Zhang Xiaofan's origin and identity, when they saw Guo Xiyu, who was still standing next to Guo Xiyue, he suddenly summoned his courage and rushed to Guo Yunsheng.

"Xiaoyu, what time is it, you still speak for the lunatic who is wanton in our Guo Mansion!"

Seeing that his younger sister had taken the initiative to intercede for Zhang Xiaofan, Guo Xiyue's lighting was glaring, her hands were raised, and she wanted to drag Guo Xiyu back.

However, Guo Xiyu seemed to know in advance what his sister thought, before he waited for Guo Xiyue to do so, Guo Xiyu hid behind Si Yufei step by step, which made Guo Xiyue feel helpless, quite There is a feeling that a dog can bite a hedgehog and cannot escape.

"Gusu. Zhang family ?!"

After seeing his grandfather suddenly mentioning Gu Su. Zhang family, Guo Zhenping's two thick eyebrows were tightly twisted into a puppet ...

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