The Three Realms of Super Students

Chapter 7392: How to use this signature

And the fruits of these heavenly **** trees are obviously not quite enough for the real Yuan Xiu of Zhang Xiaofan's golden realm.

However, just as Zhang Xiaofan originally arranged, these are already considered as "chicken spirit fruit" for Zhang Xiaofan, but Zhang Xiaofan can give it to his father, mother, Yinger, Yurou, Xiyan. ... they taste.

Therefore, regarding the **** trees of the Shenshu Manor, Zhang Xiaofan will naturally continue to plant and cultivate them.

In addition, I got the fairy water from Heaven Marshal by myself. After immortal soil, I can simply restore the environment of heaven and naturally cultivate the true fairy fruit.

By that time, for Zhang Xiaofan, these seemingly delicious chicken ribs were no longer tasteless and unfortunate chicken ribs, but the best quality resources for cultivation.

In addition to the fruit of the **** tree, Zhang Xiaofan also has Dantian's 3,000-year-old peach.

The 3000-year-old peach has been refined by Zhang Xiaofan for almost half of the years, and the precious energy contained in the peach has been shocked and absorbed by his body.

At the same time, it was precisely because of the help of the 3,000-year-old Peach Peach that Zhang Xiaofan was able to condense the immortal body smoothly after that.

I believe that after Zhang Xiaofan completely absorbed this 3000-year-old peach, he believes that Zhang Xiaofan can also successfully break away from the current innocent fairy body and successfully break into the innocent fairy body. Dacheng!

By that time, even if Zhang Xiaofan did not rely on innate innocence, relying only on the immortal immortal body would be enough for the world.

After thinking about this, Zhang Xiaofan converged, pressed down all thoughts, and re-entered the state of cultivation.


In the early morning of the next day, when the sky was bright, the first rays of sunlight shone on Zhang Xiaofan's body, and Zhang Xiaofan also gradually awakened from the deep entering into the setting for the first time.


He gave a long sigh and exhaled a long breath. Zhang Xiaofan's breath was like an arrow, and he shot straight out of the window where the balcony opened the window. Turned into a ball of white gas and dissipated.

Zhang Xiaofan stood up slowly, preparing to go to the kitchen for a little bit of food for breakfast, but just came out of the bedroom, but heard a very urgent mobile phone ringing.

Upon hearing this, Zhang Xiaofan first looked around and found that his cell phone was constantly ringing on the coffee table in the living room at this moment.

Zhang Xiaofan quickly stepped forward, picked up the phone, and raised his ears, but heard Wu Peipei's anxiety mixed with a deep and terrifying sound, and passed it through the handset.

"Hey Hey hey....."

"Is it Zhang Xiaofan ?!"

"Thank goodness, your phone finally got through. Where are you now? Come to school soon, something big has happened here!"

After hearing this, Zhang Xiaofan couldn't help but hesitated a little, subconsciously, and said, "Wu Peipei, what happened over the school ?!"

At this time, Wu Peipei's voice seemed a bit vague on the phone receiver, and intermittently made Zhang Xiaofan not understand what she was talking about for a while ...

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