The Three Realms of Super Students

Chapter 7393: Wu Peipei's phone

In this way, after a while, when Zhang Xiaofan wanted to speak again, what happened to the school, but he just hung up by listening to the call.

In this regard, Zhang Xiaofan was confused, but he knew clearly that Wu Peipei was not the kind of woman who didn't care about her priorities. Since she called herself and was so anxious and so anxious in the handwriting, perturbed.

No doubt, there must have been something extraordinary happening over Peiping University.

With this in mind, Zhang Xiaofan didn't dare to stop the furnace any more. He pinched a sword trick in his right hand and pedaled a flying sword. He just broke through the window and galloped towards the imperial capital.

Nowadays, Zhang Xiaofan is so advanced, he has a real personality, and he doesn't need to care about the consumption of his energy by long journeys.

In particular, in the case of Zhang Xiaofan's anxiety, he even used the speed of the body to the extreme. He did not use half an hour before and after, and his people have rushed from Hangzhou to Emperor Capital. Peiping University .

Just when Zhang Xiaofan leapt down from the sky and just pulled off the campus gate, when he saw Wu Peipei rushed up to his side, his face was full of anxiety and embarrassment.

In this regard, Zhang Xiaofan looked straight, Shen Sheng, said.

"Wu Peipei, tell me exactly what happened in the school ?!"

Wu Peipei took a deep breath, and then continued, said Tao.

"When I was in the first big class this morning, I didn't see Luo Yurou coming to the classroom. I was puzzled because it was absolutely impossible for Luo Yurou to be absent from school for no reason. There must be some reason for this. "

"So, I went out to find her, but I saw Luo Yurou and she climbed up to the roof of the first teaching building alone."

"Moreover, Luo Yurou did not intend to come down after he went up."

"When I climbed up and looked at the situation, I saw that the gate to the rooftop had been locked from the outside and I couldn't get in."

"I shouted Luo Yurou's name outside, and she also did not respond. I chased her phone and she did not answer. No matter how I shouted, she ignored me."

"Zhang Xiaofan, now I'm really worried if Yurou will do anything stupid on the rooftop?"

After listening to Wu Peipei's explanation of the ins and outs of the matter, Zhang Xiaofan couldn't help but be shocked.

At the moment, Zhang Xiaofan hurriedly took a big step and hurried towards the first teaching building. He yelled while running.

"What happened to Luo Yurou? She managed to get her legs cured. Why did she come to power again?"

"Isn't she crazy ?!"

Wu Peipei was also behind Zhang Xiaofan, chasing his steps, anxiously, and said.

"I don't know about this."

"Yes, it's almost anxious to die ..."

Zhang Xiaofan asked again, "And how did she climb the roof alone? As far as I know, the roof of the school is generally not open to students. How did she go up alone?"

In this regard, Wu Peipei could only give a bitter smile and said, "How can I know this?"

Zhang Xiaofan said angrily: "Are all the leaders of these schools all eating dry rice? There is no use for farts at critical moments!"

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