The Three Realms of Super Students

Chapter 7647: Love makes people crazy

After hearing this, Sister Song was dumb in her heart.

Nowadays, there is no need to guess anymore. The man whom Rebeka loves must be this Zhang Xiaofan.


"Sure enough, love makes people crazy ....."

Sister Song also murmured not only, said.

She really didn't quite understand it. Just in front of this man in Zhongshan suit, how different he can be, so that the hot star can be so crazy.

"I think I'm crazy ..."

Hot Bar also secretly thought in her heart, but she didn't tell the sentence.

At the same time, Tian Junye also chased the phone over there, and then came to Zhang Xiaofan confidently, coldly.

"I'm not afraid to tell you, where you are standing now, Jiangnan No. 1 Village is Lao Tzu's site. This time, I'd like to see when you can be arrogant."

After speaking, Tian Junye reached out and touched his left half cheek.

Although I have just gone to the hospital, I still have no swelling and pain.

"At the gate of Hangzhou Normal University at noon today, you fanned me a total of 10 big mouths, and now I must double back and return!"

Tian Junye proudly looked at Zhang Xiaofan, gritted his teeth and said.

As if, Tian Junye can now see that he successfully retaliated against Zhang Xiaofan and recovered the scene in him.

And Zhang Xiaofan didn't bother to care about him at all. Since Tian Junye wants to shake people, let him shake it. Anyway, he will pack it together, and the province will run more.

Seeing Zhang Xiaofan's mouth closed, he didn't have any intention to take care of himself, which made Tian Junye feel uncomfortable.

It's as if, after just saying so many words, they all talked into the air, but they didn't succeed in smashing their faces and regaining their pleasure.

"Ha ha....."

"You are really blind and confident enough, you really think you have no choice but to do something with your hands, right ?!"

"I'm going to see how you can fight again? And that freak boy ....."

Tian Junye was not easy to find, he said again.


And Zhang Xiaofan slaps and slaps directly on Tian Junye's right half of his face.

According to Zhang Xiaofan's initial plan, when this Tian Junye shakes people, he will give them a pot, a hundred.

But since Tian Junye owes his mouth, Zhang Xiaofan naturally doesn't mind that he will be fulfilled now.

"Pop .... Pap .... Pap ....."

Zhang Xiaofan didn't hesitate at all, and a dozen big mouths drew on Tian Junye's face severely. After Zhang Xiaofan finished drawing, he directly lifted one foot and sent Tian Junye's whole person out of the air.

This brain-damaging thing, before the person who shakes himself, dare to pretend to be in front of Zhang Xiaofan. Is it really that IQ is owed to the extreme? !!

At that moment, people around the audience couldn't help being shocked.

It's almost gone for a year or two. This man is still so simple and rude .....

Yan Yi looked at Zhang Xiaofan calmly, and couldn't help feeling shocked.

You know, Jiangnan's first village is Tian Junye's place ...

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