The Three Realms of Super Students

Chapter 7648: I owe it to you

On Tian Junye's site, this Zhang Xiaofan still behaved so arrogantly and overbearing, this person is simply too arrogant!

However, recalling the appearance of Zhang Xiaofan in the face of the Guozi face in plain clothes, he shot at him with a word of disagreement, Yan Yixin was relieved.

This man's acting style is really unusually overbearing.

"The relationship between Jiangnan First Village and Tian Junye is not simple. If you dare to start here, it is absolutely impossible for Jiangnan First Village to let you go."

Yan Yixin's eyes stared at Zhang Xiaofan tightly.

"Ha ha....."

"What is this to do with you ?!"

The corner of Zhang Xiaofan's mouth was raised, and there was a scum on his face.

After hearing this, Yan Yixin couldn't help sighing. She originally said these words out of good intentions, and wanted Zhang Xiaofan to leave this right and wrong place as soon as possible.

I just never thought that I was being treated like a donkey liver and lungs, and that I was so bad in my attitude towards myself.

"Well, go or stay, leave it to you, but I can't wait long, you should regret it!"

Yan Yixin gritted his teeth and said.

She hugged her chest with her hands and looked sneerly at Zhang Xiaofan.

"噗嗤 ....."

Of all the people in the audience, the only one who couldn't help but laughed out loud.

I have to say that Tian Junye is really not very smart, so I don't know how to provoke Zhang Xiaofan, a difficult guy.

It's hot, but I saw Zhang Xiaofan killing those assassins with his own hands. Such a second generation in front of Zhang Xiaofan presumptuously, this is really seeking his own way.

After thinking about it, the heat of the heart can not help but move, this man is like this, in terms of style, never talk nonsense with you.

As long as you don't open your eyes and dare to provoke this man, he will never be polite to you and will directly use Thunder to teach you a lesson!

The hot bar showed a smile, and everyone was foolish at the scene. It was so beautiful ...

Real people are far more beautiful than looking across the screen.

For a while, many males present were watching it.

At the same time, Tian Junye stood up from the ground.

Now, let alone the left half of his face, his entire face has swelled high.

This is even more miserable than the appearance at the gate of Hangzhou Normal University at noon today. The whole face is like a monkey butt. This look is really as funny as it is funny.

This time, Tian Junye finally learned to be clever under the series of big mouths just now. He did not blindly provoke Zhang Xiaofan as before, just stared at Zhang Xiaofan fiercely and did not dare to step forward.

Tian Junye is waiting, waiting for his shaker to arrive, after everything is ready, he will be able to make a comeback in the Jedi, a beautiful turnaround.

All in all, I must kill this kid today, I have resolved my hatred!

"Hou Mingbo, why haven't your shakers arrived yet? What time is it!"

Gu Manxi watched Hou Mingbo's side for a long time, but he was anxious to urge.

She saw that Tian Junye's eyes not far away were too fierce .....

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