The Three Realms of Super Students

Chapter 805: Gu Yuexuan's style

"This snuff box is actually a model of Gu Yuexuan."

The sight of Zhang Xiaofan pointed out the key to the snuff bottle.

Guo Yunbi nodded again and again, saying that it was Tao.

"Yes, Master Zhang."

"At the beginning, I also saw the Gu Yuexuan under the snuff bottle set down."

"Hesitated in my heart too!"

"You know, in today's Chinese antique market."

"Although, the value of this collection of Gu Yuexuan each is astronomical."

"In any case, there is a collection of Gu Yuexuan in the antique market."

"It will definitely cause a big wave of rendering in the collection world!"

"But that's why."

"This has also created, at present, fakes of Gu Yuexuan in the antique market are everywhere, as much as cattle hair."

"At the time, when I took this snuff bottle from that old friend."

"In my heart, I can't help whispering ..."

"Will it be, the snuff bottle I took is also a fake in this market?"

In fact, these concerns about Guo Yunxuan are not unreasonable.

Although, Zhang Xiaofan's ability to appreciate antique calligraphy and painting.

It is a complete teacher and Ouyang Xiu of the Northern Song Dynasty.

Although, this is different from the appearance of Gu Yuexuan's collection.

However, as the history of China, Ouyang Xiu is fully able to rank among the top ten collectors.

In addition, since Ouyang Xiu moved to his "new home" and arrived at Yin Cao Di Fu.

For the love of antique calligraphy and painting, naturally there is no half reduction.

On the contrary, the interest grew stronger!

Therefore, Ouyang Xiu is also a few new people coming from behind Yin Cao Difu.

Exchange each other's experience and experience!

Therefore, Ouyang Xiu naturally appreciated this snuff bottle!

It is also because of such an anecdote.

Zhang Xiaofan saw this snuff bottle.

In my mind, the relevant records about this snuff bottle emerged at the first time.

Snuffbox, as its name implies.

It's a container for snuff.

But initially, snuff bottles were not called snuff bottles but sometimes called snuff boxes.

The appearance of snuff boxes was in the late Ming and early Qing Dynasty.

From the West to Huaxia.

At the same time, the snuff box is also called by Westerners.

However, after coming to Huaxia, the snuff box was finished within a few years.

Therefore, it was renamed snuff bottle!

Talking about the making process and materials of this snuff bottle.

In fact, it can be called a variety of flowers.

As small as bamboo, wood, porcelain, metal ...

As big as jade, agate, ivory, amber ...

It can be said that basically you can think of the material.

As long as the production process allows.

All can become the material for making this snuff bottle!

And in this kind of complex and diverse snuff bottles.

Among them, there is a snuff bottle made of porcelain enamel.

It can only be described as rare in the world!

Because of this snuff bottle, the difficulty of the manufacturing process itself can be said to be very high.

In addition, the overall shape of the snuff bottle produced is also very exquisite.

At the same time, like this porcelain enamel snuff bottle.

Also in the Qing Dynasty, only the royal people were eligible!

Ordinary wealthy businessmen, even if you have money, you can't buy them!

And like this, porcelain enamel

Lang's making process.

In simple terms, it is painted on the glass wall with enamel.

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