The Three Realms of Super Students

Chapter 806: Origin of Gu Yuexuan

Wait until the paint is air-dried and then shaped.

Then, it is put into a kiln and fired at a high temperature, thereby molding.

The difficulty of this production process can be said to be very high.

Even if it was created by a dedicated craftsman.

That yield is also poor!

Therefore, during the Qing Dynasty, only the imperial imperial kiln was capable of making such extremely delicate utensils.

Most of these enamelware are plates, bowls, cups, bottles, boxes, and pots.

Among them, there are the most bowls and plates, but each variety has different changes.

There is also a variety of Yixing Zisha pottery enamel paint.

This is also rare.

In these vessels, the three-character style of Gu Yuexuan is often engraved.

At the same time, its firing age and corresponding models are left under its utensils.

Therefore, Gu Yuexuan sometimes.

It's not just a simple item.

At the same time, Gu Yuexuan also represents this craft of painted enamel.

Actually, for now.

What Gu Yuexuan specifically refers to is still an unsolved mystery.

Actually, the argument about Gu Yuexuan.

At the end of the Qing Dynasty, there were many opinions, and today people have no basis to rely on.

At the end of the Qing Dynasty, "Yinliuzhai said porcelain:" Gu Yuexuan Fansan said:

The first statement:

It was the name of an imperial palace when the Emperor Qianlong of the Qing Dynasty reigned.

The painter is Jin Chengzi Xu Ying also!

The second statement:

This is a fine painter made by Hu.

Later, it was the skilled craftsmen who were copied by the imperial palace of the Qing Dynasty and improved.

In the end, Gu Yuexuan's name gradually started.

The third statement:

That is to say, Gu Yuexuan is actually the name of the emperor of the Qing Dynasty.

It is not the exclusive Emperor Qianlong. It is owned by one person.

All the exquisite handicrafts made in the Qing Dynasty are collected in Guyuexuan.

Therefore, these exquisite handicrafts collected in Gu Yuexuan.

Finally, in order to facilitate the management simply add the Gu Yuexuan's style at the bottom.

These three statements have been made because of their age.

What is the truth, because there is no detailed record in history.

So far, it has been impossible to verify.

However, one thing is certain.

That is, the three words of Gu Yuexuan.

In the eyes of Huaxia collectors, it means the word “fine”!

It is precisely because Gu Yuexuan has a lot of mystery in it, so it is in the collection world.

As soon as Gu Yuexuan's collection is now alive, it will surely cause uproar in the field of collection.

However, I did not expect.

This Guo Yunzhang was able to find the snuff bottle from the suspected Gu Yuexuan from one of his old friends.

It can be seen that Guo Yunzheng's old friend is not a ubiquitous person.

Thinking of this, Zhang Xiaofan converged.

It did not continue to struggle with this issue.

So he put his attention back on the snuff bottle in his hand.

I saw that the first impression that this snuff bottle gave Zhang Xiaofan was.

Its weight is very light, and it is also very bright from the perspective of painted colors.

Under the light, you can also see the little light projecting from it. There is a glass texture.

After Zhang Xiaofan carefully observed it, he couldn't help feeling it.

"This snuff box

It is indeed a collection of Chinese laws ... "

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