The Three Realms of Super Students

Chapter 960: Your heart is blocking you

But it was Zhang Xiaofan who looked at him with a smile.

"what's so funny?"

Zhang Xiaofan put the goblet heavily on the table, a little angry, said.

"Xiao Fan, am I really a fox in your eyes?"

During the conversation, Shao Mingzhu also poked at the hair in her ears charmingly.


"What? I'm still worried because I didn't let you succeed before."

Seeing Zhang Xiaofan not talking, Shao Mingzhu sipped the drink in his glass.

Then, Zhang Xiaofan smiled and smiled beside him.

"You fairy, it looks like I shouldn't hesitate just now!"

Zhang Xiaofan frowned, his voice filled with annoyance, said.


"Do you really plan to raise me and make me your underground lover?"

The smile on Shao Mingzhu's face gradually converged, straight, said.

Zhang Xiaofan didn't speak, but just poured a glass of vodka into his stomach.

She reached out and gently stroked Zhang Xiaofan's cheek.

"Actually, you know what happened before."

"I can't stop you, and I can't stop you ..."

"It's not me who stops you."

"You might as well say that you can't get through that level in your heart."

"I know..."

Zhang Xiaofan laughed at himself, and was held by a small hand when he was about to pour wine.

"You should love her very much ..."

Shao Mingzhu asked Zhang Xiaofan's eyes squarely.


Zhang Xiaofan exhaled deeply, nodded, and nodded.

"I really envy her ..."

Shao Mingzhu laughed suddenly, and waited for Zhang Xiaofan to speak and take care of himself.

"Do you know? Xiaofan."

"We women are selfish, especially for the men we love ..."

"No woman in this world is willing to share the man she loves with another woman."

"I'm also a woman, so I can't be exempt ..."

Speaking of this, Shao Mingzhu said in a tone, she looked up at the clock in the living room, and then said.

"Well, it's getting late."

"You go to bed early, dream!"

Having said that, Shao Mingzhu would put away the goblet and walk towards the bedroom on the second floor.


Looking at the shadow that disappeared at the corner of the stairs, Zhang Xiaofan shook his head.

He forcibly suppressed himself, the ever-growing agitation.

Before this, Zhang Xiaofan often watched some TV series and movies to entertain.

At the same time, he was watching these movies from the perspective of the audience.

In my heart, I didn't feel anything.

In addition to feeling these Hollywood movies themselves cool.

The rest is that these movies are a bit unreal in themselves.

Some are too far from reality.

Of course, Zhang Xiaofan does not say how powerful the movie's main character is.

If we really talk about it ...

Zhang Xiaofan felt that he seemed a little bit better than the protagonist in this movie.

Mainly, these heroes are powerful in women.

Every night and night, Sheng Xiao didn't say anything, and every night, she was able to guard the ten women.

Moreover, this is not the best.

The best part is that these heroes are behind the harem.

It can also maintain harmony and tranquility in the harem.


This is simply a role model for men!

Unfortunately, movies are still movies.

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