The Three Realms of Super Students

Chapter 961: Sweet dreams have no trace

In real life, it is obviously impossible to have such outrageous things.

Of course, unless one thing is that the status of the two women themselves is very different.

Of course, there is another possibility.

That is, these two women have been sisters since childhood.

And they have made vows since childhood.

Never be apart in the future, and we have to serve a husband and the like.

Otherwise, the two are equally charming.

Status is on a horizontal line again.

At the same time fell in love with the same man and was convinced by the same man.

Under such circumstances, how can these two women choose to compromise and compromise?

It can be said that this is an incursion.

Either you die or I die.

There is no third possibility at all!

Moreover, women are more than 90 percent torn.

Nine out of ten are caused by men.

Because of this, Zhang Xiaofan never dreamed of being able to sing every night, be the ten daughters of the night, and be sleepy together.

Even the matter of double kill and triple kill.

He never thought about it!

Knowing what you can't do, you still have to think about it.

Isn't it clear that your experience is wasting your time ...

Thinking of this, Zhang Xiaofan rubbed his hair a little irritably.

Simply, he was not on this issue.

Continue to choose to drill horns!

Instead, he pulled directly over the blanket and covered himself.

Then he lay on the sofa and fell asleep.


In the early morning of the next day, after listening to the "ping-ping-pong-ping" sound coming from the room, the noise was slightly noisy.

Zhang Xiaofan also woke up from sleep, half awake.

On weekdays, he never dreamed much. He had a rare dream last night.

Moreover, this is still a spring dream.

In the dream, there is another person besides him!

Moreover, this person is still Shao Mingzhu.

In the dream, Shao Mingzhu was wearing a silk-red rose pajamas.

The silk pajamas as thin as cicadas are like a veil.

Shao Mingzhu's exquisite graceful body is vividly sketched.

In particular, this rose red pajamas is similar to a cheongsam design.

So, this "fairy" is between walking around.

That rich and snowy měituǐ really made all men fascinated.

And the one that can surprise people ...

All these things firmly attracted Zhang Xiaofan's attention.

And it made him feel an inexplicable dryness in his throat.

This made him feel dry and thirsty all over.

However, just before he wanted to drag this "sexy stunner" into a good drink.

To quench the thirst.

Zhang Xiaofan felt suddenly, as if something was watching him secretly not far away ...

He looked back sharply.

I saw the teddy dog ​​named "Doudou", who was staring at the round black eyes.

For a moment, staring closely at him and Shao Mingzhu ...


"Hey, hey, Xiao Fan ..."

"Wake up, it's time to wake up ..."

"Breakfast is ready for you!"

Just when Zhang Xiaofan was going to take the dead dog away.

It was heard that Shao Mingzhu's voice suddenly sounded in his ear.

Immediately afterwards, Zhang Xiaofan felt his face.

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