The Tip of the Gangster’s Heart

Chapter 1000 Angels and Demons (2)


Under the lush and crystal-clear soft leaves, small buds are still about to open,

The rich aura is transmitted from the roots to the buds,

The flower buds are flawless snow-white, knotted on the branches, and under the sunlight, they are extraordinarily clear and pure.

It rained last night,

The soft leaves are wet with drops,

The elf responsible for picking up the buds shuttles diligently among the leaves, checking the status of the buds all the time.

Except for the white-robed old man guarding,

on the other side,

It was a man in black who was also watching,

The two of them are responsible for recording the situation of the buds, and then go back to pass them on.

The spirit tree is very quiet,

Only the elves whispered from time to time,


All the elves flew up at the same time as if they had received some instructions,

at the top of the spirit tree,

A white bud slowly unfolds its petals,

sun scattered,

The crystal clear petals are as fragile as cicada wings,

The little elves are chirping around, waiting for the buds to fully unfold.

The guards under the spirit tree immediately paid attention.

The stretching process of the buds is very slow, very slow,

The petals spread out little by little, like a butterfly spreading its wings,

The folds wrapped together stretched and became extremely light thin petals,

The sun shines down into the petals,

A baby's soft murmur, accompanied by a childish cry, unfolded.

The elves immediately got busy with excitement,

Some of them shook the branches to comfort the little babies,

Some flew to the bottom of the buds, cut off the branches,

Some specially flew down from the spirit tree,

He spoke Elven language to the people under the tree.

The elder in white was overjoyed and immediately called someone.


The flower buds were lifted down by the elves,

They fly, flapping their light wings,

The buds were placed in holy plates.


A little baby with eyes closed, quietly, fell asleep.

He was exceedingly fine-looking,

The skin is as white as milk, crystal clear, like a work of art sculpted with snow, the soft eyelashes are curled, extra soft and cute,

He was wearing a set of well-fitting white clothes, a very simple style, which only covered his body,

The slightly silvery hair is still very short, and she sleeps very well with clenched fists.

The elder and the man in black came to see at the same time,

They glanced at each other, and then recorded in their notebooks:

1101 BC, January 1, Sunday,

Baby boy Michael, born.



Five years later,

In the great meadow surrounded by petals,

The tall pointed fence blocks the outside scenery,

Thorn roses wrapped around the iron fence, slowly unfolding like aura, filled with pure fragrance.

on the grass,

More than a dozen children, wearing exactly the same white clothes, were sitting on the grass in twos and threes, playing games with childish voices,

"Issel, send you a flower ~"

"Okay~ Thank you Yi Ni~"

"This flower is so beautiful~ Yi Ni, I want it too~"

"Hmph, I won't give it to you~"

Little girl Yi Ni holds flowers,

Saw the little boy alone in the corner,

She thought about it, ran over,

"Michael, what are you doing?"

She grabbed Xiao Huahua, squatted beside him, and asked curiously.

The little boy didn't speak,

As if he didn't hear her question.

He lowered his head, holding the mud quietly,

under curled eyelashes,

A pair of beautiful ice blue pupils, like a river of pure ice filled with sky, crystal clear, pure and flawless,

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