The Tip of the Gangster’s Heart

Chapter 1001 Angels and Demons (3)


The soft silver hair has grown a bit, sticking to both sides of the cheeks, making his expressionless face extraordinarily delicate and soft,

He quietly looked at the soil on the ground,

It seems to be in a daze, and it seems to be thinking about what to pinch,

Yi Ni waited for him for a while,

Seeing that he didn't answer, she stretched out her hand and handed him Xiaohuahua,

"Michael, this is for you, can you talk to me?"

The little girl is really curious about him,

Every time he stays alone in the corner, neither talking nor playing with everyone,

Quietly, like a transparent person.


He looks really good-looking, even more beautiful than the flowers on the spirit tree,

Yi Ni really wanted to be good friends with him.

Michael was not at all interested in the flowers stretched out in front of him,

His ice-blue pure eyes quietly stared at the soil beside him,

His eyes blinked slowly,

at last,

He bowed his head and squeezed the soil quietly.

Yi Ni was a little frustrated.

She curled her lips, took back the flowers, and ran back to the children,

"Eni, is Michael silent again?"

A little boy takes it for granted,

"Michael is dumb, even if you give him flowers, he won't be able to speak."

Yi Ni glared, "He's not dumb."

"He's spoken before."

"Slightly slightly, then he just doesn't like you."

The little boy made mischievous faces.

Yi Ni made a gesture to hit him.

Several children were running, chasing, and having fun.

Yi Ni ran too fast and accidentally fell down,

But immediately, the soft grass on the ground lifted her up and protected her as if it had spirit.

Yi Ni grabbed Huahua and ran again.

In the huge grassland, laughter and laughter.

There are special care elves outside the grass,

Wearing pure gray clothes, they dutifully guard the grassland, which is about the future of angels and demons.


Two teams of people flew from the sky,

The white-robed elder held a flower bud that had already bloomed in his arms, and slowly fell to the ground.

Huge white wings fluttered, symbolizing his status as an angel.

The man in black flapped his huge black wings and walked side by side with him.

This is where angels and demons go hand in hand.

They have a common task,

Send the newborn child of the spirit tree to this grassland, and be cared for by a special conservation elf.

newborn child,

Before the age of ten, will not show any characteristics.

After reaching the age of ten, he will gradually show special characteristics,

The conservation elves will use their characteristics to identify whether they will become angels or demons in the future.

If they will become angels, they will be brought up by the angel family.

If it will become a demon, it will be raised by the demon family.


The children on the grass are the future and hope of the angels and demons.

The spirit tree grows buds every five years,

The number of buds is variable, sometimes more, sometimes less,

five years ago,

The spirit tree had nine flower buds in total, so there were nine more children on the grass.

And this year,

The spirit tree bears only a small bud,

So, there is only one child.

After the elder carefully delivered the child to the care elf,

So he stood by the fence and looked at the children in the grass,

The newborn children of ten years ago have grown the characteristics of angels or demons,

So they have been taken away by the two tribes.

Now there are only nine children left in the grass.

Leaning on crutches, the elder looked at it and sighed.

In recent years,

Fewer and fewer children grow up to be angels,

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