The Tip of the Gangster’s Heart

Chapter 1002 Angels and Demons (4)


In the past, the number of angels and demons was almost equal, half and half,


Demons grow in proportion,

Basically out of ten children, seven or eight become demons,

Continue like this,

The angel family is worrying...

The old angel was very sad.

The black-clothed devil seemed much more proud, leaning against the fence, smiling with devilish fangs, with a bit of evil,

"Hey, old man, tell me, among these nine, are eight of them demons?"

"Oh, there are really too many children in our family, and we can't take care of them!"

The devil was triumphant.

The old angel glanced at him, snorted coldly, turned around and flapped his wings to leave,

The demon smiled viciously, its wings were covered with black air.


He also flew away and continued to wait by the spirit tree.

The nurturing elf holds the new baby and feeds her nectar familiarly,

The little baby was babbling, kicking his limbs, very lively and powerful,

She is white and soft, and her whole body is like a piece of tender tofu.

The big ruby-like eyes blinked and looked at the elf in front of him curiously, seeming a little dazed,

The soft black hair fluff is attached to the head obediently,

The lips are pink and tender, more beautiful than flower petals.

The elf flapped its wings, lightly shaking her,

After the little baby girl is full,

The elf carefully placed her on the grass inside.

Grass has a special aura, which can protect newborns,

Babies who have just come out of the buds can already crawl,

Although she can't speak yet, she will gradually learn the language of angels and demons under the upbringing of the elves.

Fu Sheng sat on the grass, looked at her chubby hands and short legs, and remained silent.

She is...


"Tuanzi, information."

【Come, come, come~】


[System refresh...]

[Plane information transmission...]

[Transmission successful! 】

[Legends say that at the border of the world, there is an intertwining of darkness and light. There, there live angels and demons. They represent light and darkness, hope and destruction respectively. 】

[There are opposites in everything, and there is also a unified side. The birth of angels and demons all came from the spirit tree. 】

The spirit tree is a gift from God. It collects the aura of heaven and earth, breeds angels and demons, and is their common mother.

When the spirit tree is giving birth to buds, a baby will be born, and the elves living on the tree will be responsible for delivering the child to the angels or demons who guard the spirit tree.

The angels and demons will record the moment of the child's birth, and after that, the two tribes need to send the child to the guardian elf to wait for it to grow up.

Every newborn will not show the characteristics of angels or demons immediately, and will only show them when they are ten years old.

At that time,

The angels and demons will take the children away and bring them back to their own groups.

three hundred years ago,

The battle between angels and demons,

Archangel Raphael, who led the angel clan, was killed by the demon lord Satan during the war, and Raphael died from the fall of God.

The angel family gradually went into decline,

The children bred by the spirit tree are also growing into demons more and more.

The demon clan is growing stronger and stronger,

The darkness is about to swallow the light.

The original owner, Cecia, was a child conceived by the spirit tree.

Gender: Female.

Age: one year old.

[Information transmission complete! 】

"Is there no other task?"

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