The Tip of the Gangster’s Heart

Chapter 1012 Angels and Demons (14)


Fu Sheng was stunned.

The elf looked at the two of them, let go of Fu Sheng's hand understandingly, and flew out.

Until there is only Fu Sheng left in the room,

Michael came in.

His eye sockets seemed a little red, and he was trying to hold back,

The wooden box was gently handed to her,

Under the soft snow-silver hair, the delicate and flawless little face was tentatively probing,

"Send...for you."

Fu Sheng blinked.

"Yes... I'm sorry, then... that day I..."

The little boy's eye sockets became more and more red, as if he had been greatly wronged,

The crystal clear tears seemed to be about to fall, the nose was red, the little face was pale,

"You... don't be angry, okay?"

His immature voice was choked, helpless and uneasy,

Like a little milk cat who has done something wrong, whimpering softly, at a loss.

The ice-blue pupils filled with watery light, like the starry river on the edge of the polar region, are warm and shining, and extremely beautiful.


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【Total approval: 40%】

"..." Only then did Fu Sheng realize that he came to apologize.

Seeing him about to cry, she paused,

Finally, with a sigh.

After taking out a small cotton towel from his small pocket,

She raised her hand and wiped his tears,

The beautiful red eyes were bent, and the tone was soft,

"Brother don't cry~ Cecia is not angry."

The soft and waxy little milk sound is simply too sweet.

But Mikael seemed to be even more wronged, tears fell down,

The immature boy's voice was choked up,

"You don't come..."

And make garlands for others,

Say goodnight to others.

He has been waiting for her...

He wanted to apologize to her...

The wronged young boy doesn't understand any feelings,

only know,

My heart was very sad, faint, as if a large piece was empty, heavy and sour.

He put down the box,

Suddenly hugged her soft body, crying so hard.

The little sobs whimpered, as if they had been greatly wronged,

Ice blue eyes, red,

Tears kept falling,

Like a little sweet cat about to be abandoned, wronged and pitiful.

Fu Sheng was stunned.

She thought...

He finds her annoying.

Didn't you let her go away before?

The little girl blinked her confused red eyes,


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[Fragment recognition: +2%]

【Total approval rate: 42%】

Michael hugged her tightly, crying softly.

He obviously didn't want to cry,

But just...

Can't help it.

as soon as i saw her,

His feeling of grievance, sourness and helplessness surged up like a flood,

Totally out of control.

The beautiful little boy was crying louder and louder as he rolled his eyes.

Fu Sheng was helpless.

Why is he the one apologizing and the one crying?

She hugged him softly and with difficulty,

Little Milk's voice is too soft,

"Brother don't cry, so... Cecia will play with you in the future."


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[Fragment recognition: +2%]

【Total approval rate: 44%】


Mikael's ice-blue eyes were red and soft, holding her, still crying.

Poor and tight.

Fu Sheng was helpless and funny.

Obviously she is the little sister, why is he crying instead?

Fu Sheng thought for a while,

Finally, paw, kissed him on the cheek.

Soft, with a bit of milk flavor.


The young boy's whimpering stopped instantly.

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