The Tip of the Gangster’s Heart

Chapter 1013 Angels and Demons (15)


His wet pupils were stunned, and the faintly hanging teardrops were still sticking to his slender eyelashes.

Like a frightened little milk cat, its beautiful eyes opened round.

For a moment in the room,



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Fu Sheng blinked and looked at him.


The fair cheeks of the little boy were quietly stained with a beautiful crimson,

His ears are red, hugging her,

Finally quiet down.

Under the long wet eyelashes, the icy blue sea-like pupils seem to hide a little bit of shyness, and also a bit of unknowing joy,

at last,

He carefully kissed her in a decent way,

Obviously still immature,

But inexplicably, there is a bit of lingering tenderness.

The blue eyes still with teardrops looked at her wetly, and the lips were bright red and soft.

Little sweet cat, even sweeter.

Fu Sheng opened his eyes slightly,


she seems to be...

Teach children badly.


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Michael gave Fu Sheng his favorite clay sculpture.

Fu Sheng was led by him, and sat back in that corner again.

She opened the box,

Only to find that there are all kinds of small sculptures inside,

All of them are the most perfect sculptures he got after doing thousands of times with his own hands.

Fu Sheng blinked and saw the sculpture of the child before.

She picked it up curiously and looked at it.


They all resemble her.

That seems to be her...

While practicing climbing.

Fu Sheng gently touched the sculpture.

" you like it?"

Michael looked at her with pure and beautiful eyes, his voice was small, and he seemed a little nervous.

The hands were unconsciously tightened, with a few twists.

Fu Sheng was taken aback,

Immediately, she bent her red eyes and gave a soft "um".

"Brother Crab ~"

"Cecia is very rare, please~"

Every time the little girl opens her mouth, her voice is so sweet,

It's like drinking honey, it's sweet to the bottom of my heart.

Michael's face blushed quietly.

He pursed his bright red lips, his soft sea-blue eyes seemed to stir up shallow waves,

The tender white auricles also slowly climbed to a beautiful crimson,

The young boy doesn't understand what kind of emotion this is,

he only knows,

myself, very happy.

I am even happier than successfully forging the most perfect clay sculpture in the world.


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He looked at the little girl who was touching the clay sculpture with her head down, the corners of her lips slightly curved,

Inexplicably, the empty heart seemed to be filled with something, swelling,

Also vaguely...sweet.

The young boy slightly narrowed his beautiful ice blue pupils, his cheeks were slightly red.



After the two reconciled as before,

Fusheng started the life of a small follower again.

Sitting quietly next to Michael every day, watching him knead the soil.

Perhaps because of talent,

Michael is extremely accomplished in sculpture,

Many things can be fabricated with soil as long as they have been seen once, and the workmanship is extremely fine.

After Fusheng grew up a bit, he followed him in a dignified manner, kneading the soil together.

The two cuties sat together, holding the soil quietly, not making noise, not being too obedient.

Just looking at it makes my heart soften.

The conservation elves often look over,

Seeing that Michael didn't reject the little sister much, he was completely relieved.

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