The Tip of the Gangster’s Heart

Chapter 1021 Angels and Demons (23)


The icy blue pupils of the young boy are like glaciers in the snow country, pure and flawless, and have an extremely astonishing beauty,

Like crystal snowflakes, exquisitely carved and meticulously crafted.

He looked at her quietly, there was still no emotion in his pupils,


Fu Sheng knew that he was reluctant and afraid.


He also guessed,

Why will I grow myself.

Fu Sheng felt the strength of his hugging her, which was very strong and very strong.

As if taking her with him.

Fu Sheng looked at him fixedly,

at last,

She sighed silently, hugged him, and whispered in his ear,

"Brother, I... I will go find you."

"Don't...don't forget Cecia."


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The boy's eyes turned red for a moment.

he doesn't cry often,

The only time he cried was when he pushed her before, he went to apologize, and then felt wronged and uncomfortable.

Since then, he never cried again,


He hugged her and wanted to cry again.

The young boy pursed his bright red lips, lowered his eyes in a panic, trying to force back the tears.

The ice-blue pupils seemed to be shrouded in a thin layer of mist, and they became more and more pure and beautiful.

He sniffed softly, remained silent, did not speak,

at last,

He hugged her tightly, his soft long eyelashes were wet, his delicate and beautiful face was silent and aggrieved.

Fusheng didn't sleep all night,

He has been whispering to Michael.

The little boy was very quiet, hugging her and listening quietly.

I do not know how long it has been,

When the first rays of the morning sun shone in,

all things awaken,

In the air, there is a light, moist and pleasant-smelling mist.


On the grass covered with crystal dew,

A small beautiful little flower, vying for beauty, is blown by the morning breeze, twisting its waist slightly, facing the sun, full of vitality.

Xu received some guidance,

They all unanimously unfolded their pure white petals,

Pure and flawless white, like an angel, holy and moving.

In the creek in the meadow,

A few lively little fish jumped out of the water, fell down, jumped out, and fell again,

They are actively swinging their bodies, the original light golden scales have also turned into a beautiful silvery white,

under the sun,

The scales sparkle, reflecting the flawless silver light,

It complements the pure white of the grass.


The originally lush and lush green branches seem to have received the guidance of spiritual power. On the branches, they condense and gather, and grow pure white flowers one after another.

Facing the wind, the dew on the petals slowly slides down the petals,

At last, dripping on the grass, disappearing,

The breeze carried pure white petals, dancing all over the sky, like the first sun in winter snow, beautiful but extremely warm.

The petals flutter slowly in the wind,

at last,

It slowly fell on the window sill, quietly and heavily.

inside the windowsill,

Angel, holding the girl,

Holy and flawless.

The snow-silver long hair is scattered, intertwined with pure black soft hair,

The young man lowered his eyes quietly, embracing the little girl in his arms, his exquisite and beautiful face, for such a moment, everything lost its color,

The slightly curly snow-colored long eyelashes trembled, and the ice-blue pure pupils that looked like glaciers filled the sky,

Lips as bright red and soft as petals, immature, yet extremely beautiful.

The pure white dress fits him just right,

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