The Tip of the Gangster’s Heart

Chapter 1022 Angels and Demons (24)



A pair of pure and flawless snow-white wings spread out slightly, perfect wings, pure-colored feathers,

The tips and ends of the wings are slightly dipped in a touch of gold,

Like the warmest ray of sunshine in the morning light, it is holy and shockingly beautiful.

Spreading its wings, it slowly wrapped the little girl in its arms,

Not too big, not too small, just right,

Pale golden feathers, delicately attached to the little girl's cheeks,

The boy looked at her with quiet eyes,

Finally, she covered her lips and kissed her lightly on the forehead.

A light golden feather,

Floating as if with spiritual consciousness,

at last,

It fell into the girl's palm, soft and quiet.


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When Fusheng woke up again,

The figure of the young boy beside him has disappeared.

Fu Sheng was startled,

Immediately climbed out of bed.

When I was about to run out,

A faint golden feather fluttered in front of her.

Obviously there is no wind in the house,

It can float,

It was spinning in front of her, as if it wanted to fall.

Fu Sheng was taken aback,

She suddenly thought of something, her eyes trembled, she pursed her lips,

She slowly stretched out her hand,

The golden feather slowly fell as if it had spiritual consciousness,

Finally, it lay in her palm.

Feathers are light and weigh nothing,

Sticking to her palm, quietly,

It seems, inexplicably obedient.

Fusheng slowly held it,

Her eyes were red for a moment, she was silent,

After a few seconds,

She ran out barefoot.

on the big grass,

Empty, only the silence of the morning,

The elves are watering the flowers hard and chatting chirpingly.

Seeing her running out with bare feet,

The elf hurriedly flew to her side, hugged her distressedly,

"Cesia, why don't you wear shoes?"

"Be careful to pierce your feet."

Fu Sheng pulled her eagerly, "Sister, where is Michael?"

"Is he gone?"

The elf was stunned, then nodded with a smile,

"He's gone. Michael is a little angel and has been taken away by the angels."

"..." Fu Sheng stopped talking.

at last,

She looked at the fence outside the big grass, was silent, and sighed,

She squinted, and he left.


Wake her up and let her see him off...

The little girl opened her small hands, looked at the light golden feathers, and snorted slightly.

When she grows up, go to him and get angry again.

Although Fu Sheng felt a little bit lost in her heart,

But because I had already prepared in my heart,

So when the departure really came, it was not so sad and sad.

after all,

Sooner or later they will meet again.


The elf carried her back and put her shoes on.

Afraid that she would be unhappy alone,

The elves seldom stayed with her, playing games all day long.


On the grass, she was the only child left.

Although there are elves, it is still boring.


the next day,

The next batch of newborns conceived by the spirit tree were sent.

Fu Sheng finally became a big sister.

Although, it's still boring.


After Michael left,

Fusheng strokes her feathers every day, and quietly nests in the house, reading a book.

Neither loud nor noisy,

Like Michael, it's hard not to worry.

At first, the elves were worried that she would be sad for a long time because of Michael's departure,

In no mood,

She is very calm, she should eat and drink every day,

Not sad at all.

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