The Tip of the Gangster’s Heart

Chapter 1024 Angels and Demons (26)



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Fusheng has the characteristics of a devil,


Under the notice of the elves, the people of the demon clan came.

Fu Sheng was packing things in the room.

In fact, she has nothing to bring.

It's just that she can't lose what the big baby gave her.

The clay sculptures given to her by Michael before were made of clay. After a long time, many of them have weathered.

Fu Sheng picked out the intact ones,

Then put it back in a box.


The sculpture of the little baby girl, and the sculpture of two young children kissing each other, were undamaged.

After Fusheng tidied them up, she hugged them and left the big house where she had lived for nearly ten years.

The people of the demon family are already waiting outside the fence,

Fu Sheng obediently bid farewell to the Elf sisters,

at last,

Under the eyes of curious children,

Fu Sheng walked out of the fence.

Those who came to pick her up were three tall demonic women,

Seeing her coming out, he immediately waved and signaled her to come over.

Fusheng turned around and took another look at the big grassland,

After watching for a while, she smiled,

Finally, turn around and leave.



After leaving the big lawn, Fu Sheng knew,

It turned out that the place where she lived before was exactly in the middle of the two sides of the angel clan and the demon clan,

Flying straight up, you can reach the place where the angel is,

And flying straight down is the place where the demons live.

Fusheng followed the demons all the way down,

The surrounding environment also became darker and colder,

From time to time, ferocious beasts roared, and the screams of people continued,

Crosses, pendants of dead men, cooking,

The smell of bloodshed is everywhere.

I don't know if it is because the devil factor in the body has been awakened,

Looking at the increasingly cruel and terrifying surroundings, Fu Sheng became inexplicably excited.

The smell of blood, the feeling of tormenting slaves,

Like opium, once you take it, you will gradually become addicted.

Fusheng flapped its wings and paused for a moment.

She took a deep breath, trying to suppress the restlessness in her heart,

The woman leading her in front is about to fly away,

After Fu Sheng calmed down, he quickly followed.

The devil's lair is at the bottom of hell,

The scorching temperature at the bottom burns the human soul, making it impossible for them to survive or die.

A demon with a bad personality, holding a barbed whip, flapping black wings, sucking people's souls, wanton and flamboyant,

They are not bound by God, they can express their malice as much as they want, and cause people to suffer pain and suffering,

The dark and heavy black wings behind him symbolize darkness and endless despair.

Like a dark night without dawn, heavy and depressing.

Fu Sheng followed the demon in front and came to the demon palace.

In the hall, there is a huge sculpture in the center,

He stared angrily, full of evil spirit.

This is the leader of the demons, Satan the Great.

He once led a group of angels to rebel because he was dissatisfied with God's blessings on people, and eventually fell into hell.

The pure white wings have also been stained with black that can no longer be washed off.

Although Satan is cruel by nature and loves to suppress people by force, he is also very good to the demons who follow him.

Under his rule, the demon clan is growing slowly and becoming more and more powerful.

In terms of numbers, it is almost equal to that of angels.

Once the darkness grows stronger, it will naturally want to compete with the light, and even devour the light.

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