The Tip of the Gangster’s Heart

Chapter 1025 Angels and Demons (27)



three hundred years ago,

Angels and demons fight,

In the end, neither of the two parties could please, and both parties suffered heavy losses.

Satan was badly wounded, Archangel Raphael died,

The angels lost their leader, and the demon clan did not dare to attack rashly because of Satan's serious injury.

In the end, the two sides ceased fighting.

Light and darkness, back to balance again.

When Fusheng was introduced into the hall,

Surrounded by vicious demons guarding it.

They grew extremely tall one by one, with the black wings stretched out behind them, they would be at least three meters wide, huge and heavy.

Fu Sheng blinked, looked at her small body and the little wings behind her, and remained silent.


She is still a child.

The little devil who was brought back, according to the rules, had to bow down to Satan the Great immediately and pray devoutly.

Fusheng was led to the huge sculpture,

Then, he was asked to kneel and say a prayer.

Fusheng followed suit.

The devil's prayer is actually very simple,

It probably means that you will always be loyal to Satan the Great and will not betray you.

If you betray, you will die miserably.

Fu Sheng recited the prayer in a decent manner.


The light golden feather symbolizing the angel trembled a little, as if it was a little uncomfortable with the dark breath of the surrounding demons.


It didn't float out, it just clung to the girl quietly, inexplicably docile.

finished praying,

Li Cheng.

Fusheng officially joined the ranks of demons.

The demonic woman who was in charge of taking her, with a smile on her face, took her hand and flew out,

"Lovely Cecia, my name is Sif, and I am 100 years old this year. From now on, you come and live with me."

"This is your home, they are all your family, you don't have to be restrained, so please enjoy yourself!"

"By the way, if you see something you don't like on the road, just kill it. This is hell. Killing is innocent~"

"..." Fu Sheng blinked.


In the distance, a demon with the appearance of a girl flapped its wings and flew over, with an excited tone,

"Cesia! You are also a devil!!!"

Yi Ni flew over, wanting to give her a big hug,

She is fifteen years old this year, and she is quite tall,

The big black wings roared, strong and powerful,

Fu Sheng reacted quickly and immediately hid behind Sif.

Sif stretched out her hand and stopped the excited girl in front of her,

"Yini, be careful. Cecia has just grown wings, what if you drop her?"

Yi Ni stopped suddenly,

She let out an ah, touched her nose,

"Sorry, Aunt Sif, I'm just too happy."

"It's okay~" Fu Sheng poked his head and smiled.

Yi Ni's eyes lit up.

Seeing that the two little girls looked very familiar and seemed to have a lot to say, Sif didn't say much, turned around and flapped her wings and left.


Yi Ni took Fusheng around in hell.

Yi Ni has been in Hell for five years, and she is very familiar with this place.

Fu Sheng also saw the boys who played together before,

They have also grown up a lot, and become extremely tall,

Because they are boys, they need daily training to enhance their combat effectiveness and prepare for the next big battle.

Yi Ni is a girl, and her training tends to be more emotional, namely: enchantment, seduction, evil and other psychedelic arts.

Fusheng has just arrived, and the training will start soon.


Need to turn the new little devil into a real big devil,

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