The Tip of the Gangster’s Heart

Chapter 1036 Angels and Demons (38)


Embracing, the darkness that angels once hated the most.


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【Total approval rate: 86%】

at last,

When Fusheng was released, both legs were soft.

Panting, she leaned against his arms, and the pure white wings flapped gently behind her, touching the man's wings.

Michael pursed his lips slightly,

The already bright red color became even more magnificent at this moment, as if rouge had been applied, it was astonishingly beautiful.

He looked down at her calmly,

The palm covering her waist slowly moved upwards,

Finally, it landed on her wings.

Her wings are one size smaller than his, and the feathers on them are white and soft, and feel very good to the touch.

The man stroked her wing bones peacefully,

next second,

Fu Sheng snorted, blushing, and pressed his hand.

Be it an angel or a demon,

Wings are part of the body and are very important organs, so they cannot be touched casually.

Although there was nothing wrong with him touching her,

But it makes her feel...

A little numb, like an electric shock,

It always feels a little weird.

Fu Sheng blushed, and slowly retracted her wings behind her,

"elder brother……"

"I... want to confess something to you."

She looked down at her white skirt, pursed her lips,

"Actually... I'm not an angel."

"I... I am a demon..."

She lowered her head, like a child who has done something wrong, and her voice was low.

Michael watched her quietly.

The little girl's black hair has grown very long, and it hangs behind her back, matching the white feathers. The black and white are incomparably harmonious.

She's pretty, and a lot taller,

Even if it is a demon,

That would be, too, a beautiful demon.

The man lowered his eyes slowly,

A dark streak flashed across the ice-blue pupils like the sea,

He rubbed her head and gave a low "hmm".

The huge wings still hugged her and did not let go.

Very soft voice, with a bit of pure holiness, like sunshine, warm and clean,

"I know."

After leaving the most important feathers on his body to her,

He knows everything that happened to her.

He couldn't accompany her, he could only stay by her side in this way.

Angels are sensitive to every feather on their bodies,


He can see her growing up every day.

The man looked at her calmly, pursed his lips, and seemed to smile.

Lost one of the most important feathers on his body,

Every day he suffers from the pain of crippled wings,


He is very happy.


In her life, he can always exist in another form.


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【Total approval rate: 87%】

Fu Sheng froze, looked up, "You know?"

She was a little confused.

Michael lowered his eyes, "Yeah."

Fu Sheng opened his mouth, just about to say something,

In no mood,

Suddenly someone knocked gently on the door outside the temple, and an old voice sounded,

"Respected Your Excellency Michael, please see Uriel if you have something to do. I don't know you, can you forgive me for disturbing me?"

"..." Fu Sheng turned around for a moment.

Think of your own identity,

She immediately wanted to hide.

Michael hugged her and was silent for a while.

Seems to be a little displeased by people who are outside to disturb them.

His fingertips shrunk slightly, and the scepter lying on the ground trembled.

In an instant, the surroundings of the temple were imprisoned.

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