The Tip of the Gangster’s Heart

Chapter 1037 Angels and Demons (39)


outside the gates of the temple,

Uriel only heard the people inside say lightly,

"It's inconvenient today, come back another day."

Uriel didn't dare to disobey, and hurriedly complied respectfully.


There was no sound outside the door again.

Fusheng blinked and was hugged by Michael, obediently, but didn't move anymore.

The man hugged her, put his head on her shoulder, lowered his eyes, very quiet.

He looked very much like the little boy who didn't like to talk and only liked to knead the soil.

From Fu Sheng's gaze, she could see the wings behind him,

The skeleton of the wings is huge. When stretched out straight, the two sides add up to nearly four meters.

The feathers on the wings are extremely pure snow-white, intertwined with his long snow-silver hair, which is too beautiful to behold.

He seemed to enjoy wrapping her in his wings,

It is also very easy to wrap up, and it only needs to be folded lightly to completely surround her.

The breath on his body is clear and cool, faint, with the smell of warm sunshine,

He put his arms around her waist, resting his head on her, very quietly,

As he grows up, he seems to be less talkative.

Fu Sheng blinked, a little lost in thought.


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The two hugged for a while,

Michael let go of her.

He quietly lowered his icy blue pupils, looked at her, and regained his calm look,


He kept stroking her cheek,

Gently, itchy, like being brushed by a feather,

The holy and beautiful face, with a hint of tenderness,

Huge wings wrap her, pure holy light, warm and comfortable.

Fu Sheng couldn't help but blinked,

She looked at him with beautiful red eyes, thought for a while, and asked softly,

"Brother, how are you doing?"

"I heard that you are already an Archangel, so—"

She hasn't finished speaking yet,

next second,

The man hugged her again and kissed her,

His breath is very heavy, with a slight fragrance of ice and snow in the coldness,

The huge wings tightened and hugged her again.

"..." Fu Sheng was stunned.

The man's lips just pressed against her, touching her lightly, without making any big moves.

With his arms around her waist, his icy blue pupils stared at her closely, flashing an inexplicable emotion,

The scepter, which symbolized the noble status of the archangel, was thrown away at will and lay quietly on the ground.

His eyes seemed to turn red for a moment.

But soon, he suppressed it again.

It was too silent.

Fu Sheng looked at him fixedly,

For a long time,

He said in a low voice, "Not good."


not good at all.

she is not here,

He is alone, misses, misses her very much.

He tightened her waist more and more, as if wanting to melt her into the bone marrow,

The huge wings behind her almost covered the girl's entire body.

The snow-silver long hair hangs down, brushing the back of Fusheng's hand, it's icy cold, without a trace of temperature, like silk, soft and smooth.

The man looked straight at her, his eyes dimmed.

Fu Sheng was stunned.

"Brother, are you having a good time?"

She unconsciously held a lock of his soft hair.

The man is silent.

His head rested on her shoulder, and his wings drooped slightly.


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Fu Sheng pursed her lips, slowly stretched out her hand, and hugged him.

He was broad shouldered and tall,

Bending over, it was just enough for Fusheng to hug him,

separated for more than ten years,

She misses him very much, and he probably... misses her too, right?

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