The Tip of the Gangster’s Heart

Chapter 1042 Angels and Demons (44) (Happy Holiday~) (Add more)


His beautiful icy blue pupils were slightly darkened, and a trace of cold emotion flashed across them.

With such a distance, the call could not be reached.


The summoner is Satan.

Michael stared fixedly at the girl who was being held down by him, his fingertips shrunk, and he remained silent.

For a long time,

He suddenly bent his lips slightly, lowered his head and buried her in her arms, and slowly tightened his arms around her waist.

The icy blue pupils drooped slightly, as if they had expected something long ago, and the eye sockets were slightly red, as if a little silently relieved.

he knows,

What will happen if you fall in love with a devil.

also know,

If the devil sent her, he would...

There is no resistance.


in every way,

He is still in love.

The man slightly bent his lips and smiled silently.

Obviously, the future has been foreseen in my heart,

But he still has to be like a moth to a flame, regardless of his own safety.

He hugged her tightly, as if meeting her for the first time, with great strength,

As if this could relieve the faint sourness and emptiness in his heart.

His eyes turned red for a moment,

A pure angel, even when sad, is so pure and flawless, which is amazing.


The sacred ring on Fusheng's ankle was undone.

The man stood up suddenly and turned his back to her.

The huge pure white wings were retracted, and the light gold at the tip of the wings was still bright and brilliant.

He lowered his eyes slightly, curled his long fingers slightly, clenched into fists, and his voice was low,

"You go."

His eyes were slightly red, and his snow-silver long hair was still as beautiful as flowing light.


In the ice blue pupils, something faintly shattered.


[System refresh...]

[Shard Recognition: +1%]

【Total approval rate: 94%】

Fu Sheng sat up.

She looked at him, slightly silent.

for a while,

She sighed softly, stepped forward, and hugged him from behind,

"Brother, trust me, I won't hurt you."

"I'll just go back and be back soon, okay?"

"..." The man with his back to her was very quiet.

He lowered his eyes and clenched his fists.

The eye sockets are slightly red, the corners of the lips are slightly curved, and the smile is calm.

Fu Sheng kissed his face.

The call from hell grows stronger,

Fu Sheng gritted his teeth, turned around and flew away.

The moment she left,

The man's body stiffened instantly, and the sockets of his eyes finally turned completely red.

As if to confirm something,

He slowly bent his lips and smiled softly.

at last,

He lowered his eyes slowly, as if he had predicted something, the smile on his lips became a little soft,

If she wants him to die,

How could he not do what she wanted?

The man's eyes were red, and he smiled lightly.

At the tip of the wing, a light golden feather floated slowly,

Follow the breeze, follow the direction the girl just left,


at last,

go with it.


[System refresh...]

[Shard Recognition: +1%]

【Total approval rate: 95%】



Fu Sheng was flying, and found a light golden feather following her.

It's quiet and well behaved,

He followed her step by step without making any sound.

If she hadn't happened to look back, it might have been floating all the way, and then flew hard to keep up with her.

Fu Sheng stopped in mid-air, snorted, and tilted his head,

"Didn't you already find your master? Why are you still following me?"

She reached out and took it.

Naturally, the light golden feather can't speak, and just rubbed her palm affectionately, very obedient.

Fu Sheng couldn't help laughing.

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