The Tip of the Gangster’s Heart

Chapter 1043 Angels and Demons (45) (Happy Holiday~) (Add more)


"Since you're all out, follow me? I'll bring you to find your master next time."

She held it slowly, and then put it in her small pocket.

After placing the feathers,

She continued to fly down,

Direction: hell.



back to hell,

As soon as Fusheng entered the gate of hell, he was hurriedly taken to the hall of hell.

Before she could catch her breath, she was about to kneel and pray to the statue of Satan the Great.

Fu Sheng didn't know why, but he obediently obeyed,

Let me read whatever you want, pretending to be obedient to the extreme.

As for what... Once betrayed, the soul will go to the 18th floor of hell and be tortured.

Fu Sheng was completely calm, not panicking at all.

If she dies, the soul body will leave automatically,

In this plane, no one can restrain her, including Satan.


When Fu Sheng made the oath, he was serious and earnest.

After praying,

The demons retreat,

In the main hall, Fusheng was the only one left.

The sinister sculpture in the center, as always, stares and rages,

The wings behind him are wide open, and the carvings are lifelike, as if Satan is coming, slamming Fang Qiu, and a sharp cold wind suddenly appears.

Fu Sheng stood up slowly.

Satan has not awakened yet,

But faith, to some extent, can be without physical existence.

Just by thinking, it can be transmitted to the hearts of his believers and give instructions.

Fu Sheng seemed to have received some instructions, and looked up for a moment, looking at the so-called demon belief.

Her face was calm, and she watched steadily,

next second,

A floating vial appeared in the air,

The bottle is sealed,

Inside, there is a potion that can make angels fall.

A pure white angel, even if it is only stained with a little bit of darkness, then...

No longer an angel.

Evil beliefs are slowly guiding her.

And the devil girl on the ground, her eyes blurred for a moment,

As if bewitched, he lost his sanity.

She slowly reached out and grabbed the medicine bottle,


She bowed respectfully and accepted, wicked belief.



leave hell,

The devil girl in black skirt spread her wings and flew upwards slowly.


The pale golden feathers were uncommonly quiet.

Until the girl is about to fly straight to the gate of heaven,

The light golden feather just flew out, and lightly tapped her forehead.

It knew what she was going to do,


It was still trying to help her disguise.

Light golden feathers gently rubbed against the girl's cheek, still obedient and quiet.

for a moment,

The girl's black dress was covered with pure white,

The pitch-black wings behind him also became pure white and flawless again.

The devil, turned into an "angel" again.

Holding the potion tightly in her hand, the girl flew into the sky gate unimpeded.

Her purpose is clear,

The evil beliefs in her mind constantly guide her,

She just needs to let him drink the potion,

Next, something wonderful will happen.

The pure white angel will never recover from this.

The girl with blurred eyes slowly flew towards the temple.

On her shoulders, the light golden feathers hung quietly, never moving before.

Well-behaved and sensible...

It is extremely distressing.

【……lady? 】

Tuanzi found that something was wrong.

【Madam, do you know what you are doing? 】

It tentatively asked.

The girl didn't respond, her eyes were still dull.

【……lady? ! 】

The group felt a little panicked.

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