The Tip of the Gangster’s Heart

Chapter 1045 Angels and Demons (47)


The devil girl returned to hell,

Resubmit to, the devil's greatest faith.

and heaven,

Lost, the purest light.



"What!? God Michael is dead!?"

The twelve great demons were all shocked.

"how come?!"

The demon guard knelt down and reported, "Michael has indeed died. It is said...his wings have turned black."

"..." All the demons looked at each other.


who did it

The wings of an archangel cannot be so easily...

Asmodeus was puzzled.

What did Sif think of?

She didn't say a word, just vaguely, as if she knew something.



"Liu Shang, what should I do? What should I do? The contact has been interrupted."

Tuanzi, who had already turned into a human form, stomped anxiously.

Even the usual smile disappeared.

In case Madam really killed Shard...

Woo... this is too...


The white mist slightly enveloped her, touched her head,

"Don't worry, don't you believe Madam's feelings for adults?"

"..." Tuanzi frowned.


However, I am still worried.

"Since you believe it, relax."

Bai Wu was calm.

"..." Ruan Baituan pursed his lips unhappily,

On the cheeks, there are two small pear dimples.

She looked at the mirror whose contact had been temporarily cut off, and could only reluctantly listen to Liu Shang's words and waited quietly.

she thinks……

Ma'am, you won't hurt your lord... right?



Sif flew out from the demon hall.

She seemed to know something, went straight down to the seventeenth floor of hell, and found the devil girl who often slept on a tree.

The girl in a black dress is leaning lazily on the branch, dozing off with her eyes closed.

Like a lazy big cat with no fighting spirit.

Sif flew up to the tree,

"Cesia, you did what happened to Michael?"

The girl raised her eyelids slightly, seeing that it was her, she yawned leisurely, and lazily said,

"It's me, what's wrong?"

Sif gasped, shocked, "How did you do it?"

Michael is no ordinary angel,

The so-called archangel is the most holy and flawless representative of the angels,

Not only does he contain great light, but also the scepter in his hand, which can only be rivaled by Satan the Great.

How could she be a little devil who had just grown up...

Sif is a little hard to accept this perception.

next second,

The girl lying on the tree gave a nonchalant laugh, showing her pointed canine teeth, with a bit of complacency,

"It's very simple, let him fall in love with me, isn't it all right?"

"Angel's love can make him loyal to me."

The devil girl lazily stretched her waist, her tone was harsh and somewhat indifferent.

Sif was even more shocked.

"He's in love with you!?"

This is a big deal.

"Aunt Sif, please don't talk about it~"

"This is the task given to Cecia by the noble Satan the Great, and it is Cecia's supreme honor~"

The girl believed devoutly.

When it comes to belief, Sif immediately dare not question it.

As a faithful believer,

She can only follow the guidance of faith, and must not question it.

Sif reverently bowed in the direction of the Hell Hall.

The girl was still smiling, calm and indifferent.

Nothing out of the ordinary.




Bright and holy heavenly sanctuary.

right in the middle,

Inside the coffin made of the purest crystal in the world lay a beautiful man in a white robe.

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