The Tip of the Gangster’s Heart

Chapter 1046 Angels and Demons (48)


He closed his eyes and was lifeless.

The snow-silver long hair, which was originally as bright as a streamer, was dull and dull, as if covered with a thick layer of black air.

His snow-like skin is even paler now,

It seems that in the next second, it will be shattered in the air, fragile and ethereal.


Originally huge and pure white, with some light golden noble wings, all are still dyed black at this moment,

Like the darkness corroding the light, merciless, cold and dirty.

The wings that symbolized the noble status of the archangel were destroyed, and the lives fell,

This is shameful, but also sad.

inside the temple,

The angels wept and were angry.

Here was their best forerunner, dying so obscurely, so humiliatingly.

They would rather die in battle than taint the greatest believers with utter darkness.

The purest light of the sanctuary,

Finally, it went out.



Bible records.

1119 BC, September 25, Saturday.

Angels and demons fight again.

The Archangel Michael died, and the angel was angry and counterattacked regardless of the cost.

Naturally, the devil will not swallow his anger and rise to the challenge.

Light and darkness collide again, trying to compete.

godly melee,

It lasted nearly three hundred years.

The demons and the angels followed one after another, almost killing each other.

And those who suffer are naturally mortal creatures,

Sometimes the sun and the moon are turned upside down, sometimes violent storms, disasters occur frequently,

The creatures in the world are miserable, so they have to pray to God to stop the melee of God.

God was finally alarmed.

When he intervenes to temporarily stop the war,

The angels suddenly found,

The divine body of His Royal Highness Michael, whom they respected, is gone!

Due to the fierce fighting ahead, there were not many angels guarding the temple.

But despite this,

The divine body of His Royal Highness Michael disappeared in just an instant.

Without warning, caught off guard.

Now the angels panicked, stopped fighting, and went back to find the god body,

When he couldn't find it, he found the devil again.

They took it for granted that only demons would take advantage of their inattention to steal His Royal Highness Michael's divine body,

The devil is slandered, angry, of course he fights,

The two sides fought again.

The fight became more intense.

The world is still in dire straits.



at this time,

In a certain mountain hut in the human world,

The girl in a black dress carefully placed the man in white with snowy silver hair on the bed.

She looked at him, sighed, leaned over, and kissed him,

"Idiot, if I tell you to drink, will you really drink it?"

If it was really poison, he would have died tens of millions of times.

The girl was helpless and a little angry.


【System connection...】

【connection succeeded! 】

【lady! ! ! ! 】

"...Shh, keep your voice down."

Every time Fusheng was called out, her head hurt.

[Wuuuuuu Ma'am, why did you cut off the connection? 】

【Tuantuan is so worried about you...】

Tuanzi cried.

"No way, if you don't cut it off, that person may read your existence."

Fu Sheng blinked her eyes, her eyes were clear.

"He is peeping into my mind, I can only deceive him first."

【he? 】

"It's just faith. It feels... amazing."

Fu Sheng couldn't tell, either.

Perhaps because her body is a demon, she always hears a very evil voice uncontrollably,

The voice wanted her to kill Michael.

Of course she can't kill her own big baby,


She can play tricks.

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