The Tip of the Gangster’s Heart

Chapter 1047 Angels and Demons (49)


she thought about it,

If, as before, one is a noble angel and the other is a vile devil,

It is impossible for two people to be together.


It's better to use the trick and let her man's death be suspended, and lose the status of Archangel,

As for the so-called faith that has been extremely annoying in her mind,

She can completely block it if she wants,

Even, Faith can not find her.

Satan is the god of darkness in this world,

But she is the spirit god above thousands of worlds,

She is always stronger than him, eternally unchanged.


Fake death and escape,

She and Da Baobao can stay in the world forever and never go back.

This plan is very good and perfect,

The only uncertainties are...


Fusheng slowly sat on the side of the bed, held his cold hand, her eyes darkened slightly,

She didn't expect that he would drink so simply.

At least he should resist, to show his status as a noble angel...


Fu Sheng's eyes were slightly red.

She pursed her lips and touched his wings,

It was dark, no longer the original pure white and light gold.

The wings are cold and have no temperature,

Under her palm, motionless, not as shy and cute as before.

Fusheng looked at him quietly for a while,

Soon, the pure greenness in her palm emerged and got into his wings.

for a moment,

The wings returned to their original noble and flawless pure white,

The penetrating darkness fades away,

Bright, reproduced.

The man's slender long eyelashes trembled, like butterfly wings, trembling slightly.

The snow-silver dull long hair seemed to have been stripped of the thick black air, re-glowing a beautiful streamer,

The man's cold, porcelain-white finger bones moved slightly, as if feeling the temperature of the girl's palm, he unconsciously grabbed her.

The beautiful and flawless face, gradually rosy,

The originally bloodless cheeks slowly gained warmth.

The magnificent lips parted slightly, and spit out that deadly devil's breath.

Fu Sheng carefully cleaned out the dirt in his body bit by bit,

She had cast a spell before, so that the dirty things would not spread,

He also protected his soul.


Now she just needs to get the mess out of the way.

Fusheng quickly received the magic spell.

The thick poisonous gas of the devil dissipated in the air.

Man, reborn.

Fu Sheng breathed a sigh of relief slowly,

She reached out and touched his slowly warming cheek, her brows and eyes were gentle.

The man hadn't regained consciousness, but his hands seemed to feel something, and he grabbed her with a slight force.

Fu Sheng was not in a hurry, and quietly looked at his sleeping face, with slightly curved red eyes.

【Oh~ I see, madam, you are a hunter! 】


【You are the hunter in Snow White! 】

【The queen wants to kill Snow White and take her heart. The hunter was ordered to kill her, but in the end, what the hunter brought back was actually the heart of a pig. 】

【The hunter didn't kill Snow White, he was actually confusing the queen. 】

[This is called... Disgusting the real with the fake! 】

"..." Fu Sheng raised his eyebrows,

"It turns out that reading books is really useful. Our family will sum up and draw inferences from one instance."

Dumplings: (ω)

【Hey hey hey~】

The dumpling that was praised again floated away again.

She turned around, touched Teng Wu, smiled with crooked eyebrows and shallow pear dimples,

"Flowing wine!"

"You are right, madam really has her own plan!"

The little girl began to adore him.

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