The Tip of the Gangster’s Heart

Chapter 1050 Angels and Demons (52)


Little by little, very gentle.

She doesn't have too many skills, and probably only kisses a little deeper,

The man looked at her with red eyes, but he didn't resist anymore.

Slowly, the huge wings behind him stretched out and hugged her.

Fu Sheng bent her eyes slightly, touched his eyes, and continued to kiss.

kiss till the end,

The tip of her tongue tingled slightly before she left.

She thought for a while, leaned over to his ear, and whispered,

"Brother, I like you."

"I want to be with my brother all the time."


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The wings that were loosely wrapped around her tightened in an instant, pinning her down.

The man suddenly pushed her back down and kissed her frantically.

The red eye sockets, I can't tell whether it's because of grievances, or the outburst of emotion,

He held her tight,

at last,

Snow-silver long hair intertwined with three thousand black hair, lingering until death.

Fu Sheng hasn't reacted yet.

without the slightest preparation,

just be...

So what.


She clasped her arms weakly and was hugged tightly by the man.

The man still had a cold face and said nothing,

But the strength of holding her was extraordinarily strong,

As if she would leave if he didn't hug her tightly.

Fu Sheng originally wanted him to relax a bit,

But after looking at him, he shut up helplessly and let him go.



For the next period of time,

Men seem to have a temper, they always like to play small temper,

As long as Fusheng doesn't live up to his wish,

He quietly huddled in the corner and shed tears.

He completely grasped Fusheng's weakness to death.

He didn't mention going back either.

seems to have fully accepted this new place,

Every day quietly, without speaking, waiting for Fusheng to coax him.

Take your petty temper to the extreme.

Fusheng couldn't see that he was suffering, so he could only resign himself to coaxing him,

But the result of coaxing is often...

Rolled into bed.

He seemed very angry, but he reluctantly said a word to her,

This caused him to become very violent in a certain matter.

at last,

Fusheng is still suffering.

at last,

Finally one day,

She couldn't take it anymore and didn't try to coax him anymore.

Leaving him alone in a corner, he walked out by himself.


The cabin door was closed.

inside the house,

Michael, who was quietly waiting for the girl to coax him, turned around for a moment,

Seeing that there was no one in the room, he froze for a moment, his face paled instantly.

He fluttered his long eyelashes indiscriminately, bit his lip, and his eyes instantly turned red.

The heart also seemed to be hollowed out suddenly, empty and flustered.

He subconsciously got out of bed,

ran out.


The door opens.

It was quiet outside, no one was there.

The man panicked instantly, tears were about to fall,

He tried to run out along the road,

In no mood,

next second,

The girl behind was puzzled,

"elder brother?"

"..." The man turned around for a moment.

On a small stool next to the hut, a girl in a black skirt was sitting, her palm-sized face was beautiful and bright.

She looked at him with soft red eyes, seeming a little puzzled,

The man's tears fell in an instant.

He clenched his fist slightly and rushed forward.

A low whimper, louder and louder,

He was obviously still depressed, but it made him feel more and more wronged and sad.


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"..." Fu Sheng hugged him subconsciously.

She blinked her red eyes, helplessly.

It's not enough to come out to get some air.

she just sat down...

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