The Tip of the Gangster’s Heart

Chapter 1051 Angels and Demons (53)


The little girl who loved her husband like her life had no choice but to coax him patiently,

at last,

The man who cried aggrievedly, buried in her arms, choked with sobs: "I... I thought... I thought you were gone..."

I thought you didn't want me anymore.

He was really, really sad.

The man hugged her tightly, his eyes flushed.

Fu Sheng was stunned.

Immediately, she seemed to understand something, she bent her eyes helplessly,

"Stupid brother, you are here, where can I go?"

She stroked his soft long hair with a gentle tone,

"Didn't it be agreed to stay together forever?"

"Don't be afraid, okay?"

"If you are worried, here, I give you my feet, don't you want to wear a ring for me?"

Fu Sheng stretched out her feet to him.

next second,

Sure enough, a ring appeared on it.

Fu Sheng: "..."

she just said,

He's really... sincere.

Fu Sheng was helpless.

at last,

Both of her feet were ringed with holy rings, and they couldn't be taken off at all.

Fu Sheng looked at the thing on her ankle, then at the man with red eyes,

I kept silent and endured it.

If this can give him a sense of security,

It doesn't matter if she wears it all the time.



Since then,

Probably because of this incident, Michael had a shadow in his heart.

His little temper is much less,

Most of the time, when she didn't speak, he would panic and lose his temper. Instead, he would carefully accommodate her,

She is what she says.

It seemed that if she got angry, she would leave.

Fusheng is often made helpless and distressed by his appearance,

After all, he is still his own big baby.

How could she be willing to let him be so humble.


She has no bottom line,

He could do whatever he wanted, as long as it wasn't too much, she acquiesced.

The little girl has always had a good temper,

He also took care of his feelings and was almost not angry.

Occasionally, when he gets a little angry, he just pats him twice lightly, without deterrent effect.

So every time, as long as the man shows a cautious look,

She can't get angry.

back and forth,

Michael gradually became presumptuous in front of her.

Like a kitten who has just arrived, carefully, probing the owner's bottom line,

to the end,

It began to be unscrupulous and presumptuous.

It clings to its owner all day long, like a piece of brown sugar, which cannot be shaken off no matter what.

Fu Sheng originally thought that he would want to go back,

never thought

He didn't say a word about what happened before.

He didn't show the slightest desire to go back.

He seemed happy to live in the cottage with her.

Gradually, Fu Sheng felt relieved.

For hiding the breath,

So no trace of either was ever found.

The angels searched for Michael's divine body everywhere, but they couldn't find it.


They prayed devoutly to God for guidance.

The Lord's consciousness is naturally extremely mysterious,

it has no guide,


In the tenth year of the disappearance of Michael's divine body,

The angel ushered in a new Archangel appointed by God-Baikaliel.

Bright, reproduced.

at the same time,

Satan wakes up,

Darkness grows stronger again.

Light and dark, balance again.

The wise God has already set the flag,

One black and one white suppress each other.

All things are thus balanced by yin and yang.

Human order, return.

Fu Sheng took Michael, who was mysteriously missing according to the rumors, traveling around the world and hiding in the mountains.

And someone picked up his old habit again - kneading clay sculptures.


When he had nothing to do, he kneaded clay sculptures quietly.

The object of pinching is very monotonous, and it has always been a woman.

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