The Tip of the Gangster’s Heart

Chapter 1053 I Marry You (1)

Chapter 1053 I Marry You (1)


It's time to go to the next world and find him.

【receive! 】




[Main task: complete! 】

[Soul escaped successfully——]

【Matching new faces...】

[The match is successful. 】

【Searching for host...】

[The body is locked! 】

【Soul transmission...】

【Name: Fusheng】

[Task: Bring back the fragments. 】



"Doctor, how is my daughter? Is there anything wrong?"

The old woman's anxious voice sounded.

"Don't worry, Aunt Wang. Your daughter fell into a coma because she hit her head."

"I prescribed two medicines to remove the congestion in her brain. You can just feed her and take it every day."

In dim vision,

Two people stood in front of the bed, the voice of talking came, which woke up the girl on the bed for a moment,

but soon,

She fell asleep again.



The next morning.

on the bed,

The girl with a white gauze wrapped around her forehead slowly woke up.

upon regaining consciousness,

She subconsciously covered her swollen head and murmured softly.

There was no blood on the pale and clean little face.

facing the sun,

She sat up slowly.

His head was dizzy, as if he had been beaten.

Fu Sheng took a while to get used to his body.

She closed her eyes, covered her head, breathed a sigh of relief, and said,

"Tuanzi, information."

【Come, come, come~】


[Plane information transmission...]

[Transmission successful! 】

The original owner, Wang Sheng, is sixteen years old and lives in Haitang Village. He grew up in a single-parent family.

When the original owner was three years old, the original owner's father, Wang Dazhuang, was conscripted by the dynasty and sent to the battlefield.

Swords have no eyes on the battlefield, and Wang Dazhuang is just an honest farmer who grows crops and doesn't know how to fight at all.

So, he died in a brutal war.

The three-year-old original owner and his wife Jiang Ying were left behind, living a hard life.

That war requisitioned many peasants in the village,

Many husbands died on the battlefield, leaving wives and children at home.

The mother of the original owner was in great grief,

She wanted to go with her husband, but in the end because of the young original owner,

It gave her the determination to live again.


In order to support the mother and daughter,

She unites many women in the village who share the same fate as her, and together they open a cloth shop,

Women are the most dexterous, unable to do physical work, so they make a living by weaving clothes.


The original owner's mother's business started, and the monthly income was quite rich.


The original owner suddenly changed from a child of a farmer to a young lady of a cloth farm.

Because the conditions at home have improved,

Therefore, the original owner had not experienced much hardship since he was a child, and he was pampered, unlike other children in the village, who had to help with farm work.

But the original owner's mother became more and more busy because of the business of the cloth shop, and she was so busy that she hardly had time to take care of her.

The original owner has lost his father since he can remember.

And my mother is too busy to take care of her,

This also led to her lack of family affection,

The original owner desperately longed for someone to love her, care about her, and give her warmth.

a month ago,

A family moved into the village, surnamed Liu.

There were always sounds of beating and scolding coming from that family's house. The original owner happened to pass by once, and bumped into the young man who ran out from inside——Liu Dian.

Liu Dian helped her up, apologized politely,

He also asked about her situation with concern.

The original owner suddenly became shy and remembered him.


The original owner often met him,

He was reading poetry and books, and when he saw her, he smiled at her,

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