The Tip of the Gangster’s Heart

Chapter 1054 I Marry You (2)

Chapter 1054 I Marry You (2)


This comes and goes,

The original owner has fallen.

Wrapping around him every day, calling for his brother.

He also gave him his own change.

Liu Dian did not refuse, and accepted it with a smile every time, and hinted that she would bring more next time.

As soon as the silly original owner saw his smile, he couldn't turn his head anymore, and really brought him more next time.

In this way, every time the original owner saw him, he would consciously give him money,

Liu Dian's appetite also became bigger and bigger,

He took a fancy to the family background of the original owner.

After all, a big cloth shop is likely to be passed on to the original owner in the future.

The original owner thought he wanted to marry her, so he was naturally happy,

Take him home to see his mother.

Only then did the original owner's mother realize Liu Dian's purpose.

She has been in business for many years, and she is naturally very accurate in seeing people.

Liu Dian's behavior is extremely poor,

In the village, there are many women who have been molested by him.

She sent someone to watch Liu Dian before, not letting him touch her daughter,

but did not think,

This made his silly daughter think that Liu Dian is an honest gentleman, so she liked him even more.

Although there has never been any intimate behavior, in the heart of the original owner, she has already regarded him as her husband.

The original owner's mother firmly opposed it.

Liu Dian was cunning, so he wanted to elope with the original owner, intending to cook rice for Mr. Liu.

But the mother of the original owner had expected it,

Specially sent someone to guard.

Just as the two were about to meet, Liu Dian was beaten by someone who rushed up.

The original owner hurriedly stopped,

In the confusion, she fell, hit her head on a stone, and fainted,

But Liu Dian was frightened and ran away rolling and crawling.

The last thing the original owner saw before he passed out was his running back.


[Trigger hidden mission: The original owner wants to know why he ran. 】


[emm... These are her exact words, she only has one question, why did he run away? 】

"..." Fu Sheng was slightly silent.

good question.

【Madam, the original owner is probably... sad? 】

After all, I was injured, but the man I loved turned around and ran away without even looking at him.

Is a person, will be sad.

"..." Fu Sheng nodded thoughtfully.

As soon as my head moved,

She instantly "hissed" and covered her head,

it hurts too much

The original owner knocked it really hard.


The door opened.

A middle-aged woman walked in with medicine,

Seeing her awake, she rushed over distressed and worried, and asked,

"Xiao Sheng, does it hurt? Is there something uncomfortable? Do you want me to call the doctor over?"

"...No need, mother, I'll just take the medicine."

Fu Sheng held back the pain silently.

"Oh, that's right, you need to drink medicine."

Jiang Ying came over with a bowl of pitch-black Chinese medicine.

"The doctor said, you have a severe concussion, you have to lie on the bed and take medicine on time."

She seemed to think of something, carefully said,

"Xiao Sheng...can you stop—"


Fu Sheng didn't raise her head, and agreed directly.

Jiang Ying was slightly taken aback.

Fusheng took the traditional Chinese medicine in one gulp.

The traditional Chinese medicine is very bitter, she frowned, but said nothing,

After putting down the bowl,

Seeing the stunned expression of the middle-aged woman in front of her, she smiled,

"Mother, I understand what you mean."

"Don't worry, I won't think about Liu Dian anymore."

When she said this, her eyes were very clear, thorough and clean,


Compared with before, something is different.

Jiang Ying was somewhat skeptical about her sudden change.

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