The Tip of the Gangster’s Heart

Chapter 1055 I Marry You (3)

Chapter 1055 I Marry You (3)


after all,

It's impossible, knocking people's heads off makes people smart, right?

Fu Sheng also knew that she would not believe it immediately,

She was not in a hurry, she lay down obediently and stopped making noise.

For several days,

She takes medicine, eats and sleeps on time.

Don't leave the gate, don't step through the second gate, and don't mention Liu Dian again.

Because Jiang Ying was worried about her, she stayed with her at home for nearly half a month.

During this period,

Originally crying and arguing to marry Liu Dian's daughter, she seemed to be a different person.

Read books and practice calligraphy quietly every day, and live a comfortable and unrestrained life.

Not at all like the previous person.

Jiang Ying found a doctor.

The doctor couldn't see anything strange, so he could only vaguely say that maybe God opened his eyes and made her smart.

With the doctor's words,

Jiang Ying finally breathed a sigh of relief, and did not restrict her travel anymore.

Fu Sheng is lazy, and the injury to his head has not healed, so he will feel a little dizzy after walking two steps.

So she doesn't go out, just reads and writes every day, living like a house girl.

He probably knew that Fusheng was fine.

Taking advantage of Jiang Ying's absence one day, Liu Dian secretly knocked on the door of her house, trying to call her out.

After hearing what Tuanzi said, Fu Sheng ignored the people outside the door and continued reading.

Liu Dian thought she was angry, so he stood at the door to coax her,

On weekdays, she is extremely coaxable,

As long as he smiles, she can calm down immediately,

Liu Dian is also full of confidence this time.


He stood at the door and talked nicely all afternoon,

The door didn't even move, it remained closed.

There was no movement, no one seemed to be inside.

Unwilling to give up, Liu Dian knocked on the door again.

Behind the door, there was still no response.

He gritted his teeth and looked at the sky.

It's getting late, and Jiang Ying will be back soon.

He cursed in a low voice, turned and ran away.

【Ma'am, he's gone. 】


Fu Sheng turned a page of the book without paying much attention, and continued to read.


With a cloth bag in her hand, Jiang Ying limped into the house, feeling embarrassed.

Fu Sheng saw it, walked over quickly, supported her,

"Mother, what's the matter? Did you fall?"

Aunt Wang groaned, nodded, and sat down slowly.

"When I came back just now, I don't know which stinky kid dug a hole and covered it with grass. No, I fell when I stepped in."

Fusheng squatted down and looked at her broken knee.

The fall was a little severe, and the skin was peeling off and bleeding.

"Mother, shall I go to the doctor to show you?"

"No, this little injury is fine."

Jiang Ying waved her hand,

"What's more, it's so late, it's not safe for you to go out with a girl."

Although the people in the village are very nice, there are inevitably a few hooligans around,

She is a juicy and beautiful girl with yellow flowers. It is really not safe to go out at night.

Fusheng thought for a while, ran to the cabinet, and took the medicinal wine.


She knelt down and wiped it for her.

With an obedient appearance, she is vaguely still the obedient girl she used to be.

Jiang Ying looked at her, her heart softened again,

Is the only daughter after all,

I have been sensible and obedient since I was a child, but the way men not that good.

she sighed,

"Xiao Sheng, you have to believe that a mother won't harm you."

"That Liu Dian is really a bad person, he looks like a slippery one."

"Indeed." Fu Sheng nodded in agreement.

"Mother, don't worry, my daughter really really really really doesn't like him now."

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